SMSMITH 3000 messages!


3000 messages - that's having alot to say! You have been a busy boy.
WOW that's a lot of typing. Congrats
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Way to go, Stu!
Time for a suspension to slow him down.

....just kidding of course
^ ZZ Smith has a better beard going than this now. ;) WTG Stu!
Better beard and him and Freeborn are the guys I want on my side when shit goes down at the bar!:eek:
Better beard and him and Freeborn are the guys I want on my side when shit goes down at the bar!:eek:
What?? Nobody likes us little guys that can get them below the belt? The other side won't even notice us little guys when next to Stu and FB.
Somebody once told me, "It isn't the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!" Gotta watch those little guys they tend to fight dirty!!!
Somebody once told me, "It isn't the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!" Gotta watch those little guys they tend to fight dirty!!!

Maybe, but I don't like tripping over those dogs when I am trying to get out of the way of flying bar stools! JMO!
Funny how Stu has 3000 messages and still hasn't added one here. That's either ironic or suspicious!!!!

I'm starting to worry......
Ironically, this quote is attributed to one Sydney Smith, couldn't find a middle name but I'm sure if he had one it started with M. "He had occasional flashes of silence, that made his conversation perfectly delightful."