Simazine Application Question


5 year old buck +
Hi Folks!

Last month I frost seeded an acre of CIR. This is my first attempt at this so I'm a little green at the process.

I'm about to spray the acre with 4 quarts of Simazine. It's a thick liquid and my sprayer is only 20 gallon, so I'm going to do 2 quarts per 20 twice.

Question - We are supposed to get around a half inch of rain and 40-50mph wind gusts, 10-12 hours after Simazine application.

Is this weather something that could cause ground leach with the herbicide? Should I wait until after the rain passes? I'm concerned it will be too muddy to get my equipment back there so if I can spray now, I'd like to.

It’s a pre emergent that works over a long period of time. You want rain on it to move it into the soil.
Thanks Buckly, just wasn’t sure if the rain would push it to a lower elevation before it had a chance to stick.
My guess was as you suggested.
Weeds are a big issue when establishing switch. You also might want to look into oust xp to use in the fall it really cleans things up nicely