Silencers: who hunts with them?


5 year old buck +
I do.


It makes hunting and shooting much more enjoyable. I'm sure the neighbors would appreciate it too, if they ever noticed I was hunting.
I intend to hunt with a can as soon as I have my suppressor fund full, again. I was so close to buying one, and then I found out my wife was pregnant. The suppressor fund turned into the baby fund real quick. 6.5 Grendel out of a 16" barrel with an A2 flash supressor isn't too bad on the ears, but I'm confident my neighbors (and their dogs) would definitely appreciate it.
Are there legal restrictions on ownership?

Are there legal restrictions on ownership?

Yes. You have to apply and pay a tax.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Legal here too with the stamp, I've been thinking about one for yote hunting.
Are there legal restrictions on ownership?


You have to submit an application and pay $200, and then wait a while.

In Norway we just go to the store and buy them. Several companies make their silencers here. Hausken, A-Tec, and Freyr & Devik are Norwegian companies that produce silencers domestically. can't just tape a plastic bottle over then end like in the movies????

I was gonna try it with my 308 and test it in the house too......hey y'all watch this!!!!! can't just tape a plastic bottle over then end like in the movies????

I was gonna try it with my 308 and test it in the house too......hey y'all watch this!!!!!
use a potato :emoji_wink: can't just tape a plastic bottle over then end like in the movies????

I was gonna try it with my 308 and test it in the house too......hey y'all watch this!!!!!

I've done it. It tends to interfere with the scope/sights, but it does attenuate the sound from a .22 LR or something similar.
I am sure their illegal here in canada.
I finally got one and really enjoy it. Don't even need hearing protection while sighting it in. With my 243 it did change the point of impact but resighted it, no big deal. I have a couple acre property that's loaded with deer and hogs but isn't all that rural, no need in getting the neighbors all up in my business. Also I can and eventually will get all my rifles threaded to fit the one can, it will except any 30 cal or less. Once you shoot with one you really don't want to shoot without one-reduces recoil significantly. Surprisingly the public land I hunt around here also allows its use so why not.
I considered it when they made them legal for hunting here, but couldn't talk myself into it. For deer sized game, the tradeoff is noise verses killing power, distance, and accuracy as well as cost. If you go with subsonic ammunition, they can be very effective, but if you take a deer load like a .30-06 the muzzle blast is almost 160 db. A suppressor might knock it down to around 130 db but that is still loud enough to cause hearing damage. For a deer load to have sufficient killing power, if you limit velocity to under the sound barrier you have to increase mass. That means a caliber like a 45-70. Now accuracy at longer ranges suffers and recoil increases as well. It may be a viable option for short range hunting.

With a total cost over $1,000 with licensing, suppressor cost, barrel modification, and such, I couldn't talk myself into it. Especially when you can get high db cut-off hearing protection for much less.

There are certainly hunting applications where it might be a good fit. Especially with species that require less knock down power where smaller diameter sub-sonic ammunition can allow accuracy at longer ranges.


^^^ That's some pretty good "constructive criticism" Jack. A whole page of positive posts in response to someone who asks "who DOES hunt with a can", and then 3 paragraphs on why not to hunt with one from a person that doesn't have one. Thanks for your help, that info is exactly what every poster on this thread was looking for! :(

For those of you who did post to the point of the original poster, I'm glad that you all love your cans! I've shot several but have yet to buy one. I would like to become legal to build my own but have yet to fill out the paperwork. I've gotten as far as printing the paperwork out but seem to always find another project to do instead of filling out many pages of questions. I personally think they shouldn't be so regulated as I'm sure health care costs of old people dealing with hearing loss probably outweighs any "super sniper James Bond assassins" that ownership of one could create.
Great tools
Really makes teaching a youth how to shoot enjoyable! Nice to shoot without hearing protection..
I hunt with one on the end of a 16" barrel ruger ranch rife in 300BO. My 6 yr old shot his first deer with it last fall. We shoot super quiet subsonic loads all summer then hunt with 110gr vmax loads going 2400fps. Bullet performed excellent on his deer at 80 yeards! Kid hits a milk jug off a stump every time at 75 yards!
^^^ That's some pretty good "constructive criticism" Jack. A whole page of positive posts in response to someone who asks "who DOES hunt with a can", and then 3 paragraphs on why not to hunt with one from a person that doesn't have one. Thanks for your help, that info is exactly what every poster on this thread was looking for! :(

For those of you who did post to the point of the original poster, I'm glad that you all love your cans! I've shot several but have yet to buy one. I would like to become legal to build my own but have yet to fill out the paperwork. I've gotten as far as printing the paperwork out but seem to always find another project to do instead of filling out many pages of questions. I personally think they shouldn't be so regulated as I'm sure health care costs of old people dealing with hearing loss probably outweighs any "super sniper James Bond assassins" that ownership of one could create.

My post was not at all a "why not to hunt with them" post. My post was why I could not talk myself into buying one. I'm certainly open to changing my mind. I was hoping folks who do use them could counter some of my thinking if their experience shows my analysis is wrong. Do you think the thread should just be a raw-raw thread? I much prefer a critical thinking approach where I might learn something that changes my approach. I love the concept of protecting my hearing and causing less disturbance. More second shot opportunities can also be a great thing. I sometimes get these when hunting with a quiet bow but not with a gun. I just can't seem to make it work for my hunting situation.

You and I just seem to approach things differently. Nothing wrong with that.


My post was not at all a "why not to hunt with them" post. My post was why I could not talk myself into buying one. I'm certainly open to changing my mind. I was hoping folks who do use them could counter some of my thinking if their experience shows my analysis is wrong. Do you think the thread should just be a raw-raw thread? I much prefer a critical thinking approach where I might learn something that changes my approach. I love the concept of protecting my hearing and causing less disturbance. More second shot opportunities can also be a great thing. I sometimes get these when hunting with a quiet bow but not with a gun. I just can't seem to make it work for my hunting situation.

You and I just seem to approach things differently. Nothing wrong with that.



No your weren't! (see bold). You never once ask for someone to change your mind or counter your speculations with experience. You simply made a list of reasons to not use them. The original post was very simple: "Silencers, who hunts with them?". What part of that simple statement did you misinterpret to mean "why don't you use them"? If you had asked for reasons to reconsider one I wouldn't be prodding you about it, but you didn't ask for anything! Saying that you "hoped" someone would chime in without you actually stating that you want advice is simply backtracking because you know your post was pointless to the intent of the thread. To answer your question; yes, I do think this is a raw raw thread. Nothing about the original post says anything about a discussion or anything to that matter.

You are correct about our approaches being different! I don't speculate when someone asks for experience, I don't list negatives when someone doesn't ask for them, if I want evidence to persuade a future decision I ask for it, and I don't answer questions that I don't KNOW the answer to. I intend to be honest and positive on this site. The unwarranted negativity drives me nuts and I feel bad for people who get random posts that are downgrading to their questions or don't even come close to topic. I will give you that sometimes you have great knowledge and are on point when answering things, but damn you can just be negative and off track a lot.
No your weren't! (see bold). You never once ask for someone to change your mind or counter your speculations with experience. You simply made a list of reasons to not use them. The original post was very simple: "Silencers, who hunts with them?". What part of that simple statement did you misinterpret to mean "why don't you use them"? If you had asked for reasons to reconsider one I wouldn't be prodding you about it, but you didn't ask for anything! Saying that you "hoped" someone would chime in without you actually stating that you want advice is simply backtracking because you know your post was pointless to the intent of the thread.

You are correct about our approaches being different! I don't speculate when someone asks for experience, I don't list negatives when someone doesn't ask for them, if I want evidence to persuade a future decision I ask for it, and I don't answer questions that I don't KNOW the answer to. I intend to be honest and positive on this site. The unwarranted negativity drives me nuts and I feel bad for people who get random posts that are downgrading to their questions or don't even come close to topic. I will give you that sometimes you have great knowledge and are on point when answering things, but damn you can just be negative and off track a lot.

Perhaps we simply have a difference in what track things should be on. You are complexly wrong about my intentions. After the OP started the thread, I spent about 45 minutes on-line to trying to talk myself into buying one. It had been several years since I looked at what was out there.

If you find a thread that is all negative, you will probably find posts from me pointing out positive considerations. Likewise, if you find a thread that is predominantly positive, you will likely find posts from me pointing out negative considerations. I simply like to look at things from both sides.

Rather than trying to read intentions into my posts, why not focus on the subject matter. In this case, suppressors. If there is some fallacy in my logic or if I got something wrong about them, point it out. We both serve each other and the community much better that way. I can't recall questioning your motives or intentions in your posts. I may disagree with your positions from time to time, but I don't question your sincerity.


Perhaps we simply have a difference in what track things should be on. You are complexly wrong about my intentions. After the OP started the thread, I spent about 45 minutes on-line to trying to talk myself into buying one. It had been several years since I looked at what was out there.

If you find a thread that is all negative, you will probably find posts from me pointing out positive considerations. Likewise, if you find a thread that is predominantly positive, you will likely find posts from me pointing out negative considerations. I simply like to look at things from both sides.

Rather than trying to read intentions into my posts, why not focus on the subject matter. In this case, suppressors. If there is some fallacy in my logic or if I got something wrong about them, point it out. We both serve each other and the community much better that way. I can't recall questioning your motives or intentions in your posts. I may disagree with your positions from time to time, but I don't question your sincerity.



You are a very articulate guy. You make your intentions very clear when you post and explain your points well. If you don't want confusion on your sincerity maybe you should state your intentions in your post rather than leave it subjective to the reader. I've read your first post on this thread many times looking for something constructive, or somewhere where you are asking for help making up your mind,or something that fits the OP. All I find is a list of negatives. Please feel free to question my sincerity. If I drop off the deep end of negativity I would like to know about it. I'm there right now, but I will say it is in response to something I felt did zero to contribute to the thread.
Jack, on your first post I would have to disagree with your decibel analogy... it would totally depend on type/quality of suppressor and what rifle caliber with different loads and bullets also factoring in on the amount of sound produced.
I've watched a lot of predator hunting shows and videos shooting suppressors at long range being able to kill multiple animals and shoot long distance with plenty of power to flatten a coyote or whatever the shooter was after. I would think as far as the use of a suppressor on a rifle slowing the bullet down in a hunting situation is almost negligible.