Sheriff on scene, bagged one




Walked right under me before light. Let him start climbing tree and I confronted him. Half drunk, but cooperative. Pisses me off, but glad I was where I was. Sheriff cited him!!! He can spread the word.
Would of been a good morning. Bagged one on my first sit of the year and it wasn't light yet.
I love it. Hopefully he'll think twice next time.

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No season limits on the Common Idiot, catch and release only I guess.
That would really tick me off.

Luckily you were there to catch him. Hope you press every charge available.
Me likie these brow tines.
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[QUOTE="dipper, post: 91590, member: 41

Walked right under me before light. Let him start climbing tree and I confronted him. Half drunk, but cooperative. Pisses me off, but glad I was where I was. Sheriff cited him!!! He can spread the word.
Would of been a good morning. Bagged one on my first sit of the year and it wasn't light yet.[/QUOTE]

Dipper did you know who this guy was?
Two squads for that one. Nice. I bet they were pretty quick to get out there too.
Nice job dipper! Better today than 2 weeks from now.
It's all good
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He started to climb into the same tree or he had a stand with him going into another. Sounds as if he knew where he was going. Glad you got him.
Yup he had a climber, and he knew exactly the tree he wanted. This wasn't his first trip. Was walking real good without a light.
Being a former mma athlete and wrestler I wasn't worried about destroying the guy(

Former tough guy turned internet 'Dipper' - HA, thats some funny stuff!
As a brown belt in BJJ, I have been told about how tough everyone is for the last decade. You would think everyone at the bar was Brock Lesnar. I hate fight stories.
Seriously though, good job on busting the trespassers.
As a brown belt in BJJ, I have been told about how tough everyone is for the last decade. You would think everyone at the bar was Brock Lesnar. I hate fight stories.
Confronting an armed criminal is no fun ordeal. Plus he was half drunk. I told him he was getting a ticket and we walked a quarter mile back to the road. Not having any idea what this guys criminal history was or violent tendencies is concerning. That's why I was respectful. U could be Brock lesner and get killed. I wanted to swear and scream at the guy, but that wouldn't have been wise.
Former tough guy turned internet 'Dipper' - HA, thats some funny stuff!
Your complete immaturity is so obvious. I pity u if this is what u do on a Saturday night.
Good to see trespassers caught quickly.

Dipper, are you a LEO I thought I remember seeing that said here or the other site before. I was thinking that might help get the sheriff to you place faster?
goos times
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I don't know what the fine was. I gave my statement and let them do their job. The quality of my property is known all the way in Oshkosh. There is some mega bucks running around.
Stopped in by one of the neighbors and these guys have been trespassing on his place, but he couldn't catch them. You are exactly right nofo, these guys needed the lesson!
We found out around my camp area ( other camps involved ) that the best way to handle trespassers is to prosecute for every charge you can get 'em for. The word gets around quick that some camps are watched/video'd. It helps when each camp looks out for the other as well. I happened to notice a window broken in a neighbor's cabin near a road as I was driving by in August. We have each other's contact info, so I called him and let him know. He and 2 other guys drove up to their camp and found another window and a door busted too. No damage inside the cabin, but had to repair the windows and door. Probably teens looking for a spot to party, they thought. Could have been worse.

Large acreage camp that borders ours caught a guy riding a quad all around their land in archery season 2 years ago. They nailed him for 3 charges and about $1100 in fines. Gotta do it. Glad you got your P.O.S.