Steve, Is there a way someone can get all 3 in the series at once? I have always appreciated your writing and I would like to get my hands on the 3 books in this series as I am certain I can learn something and improve my hunting.
It's a beautiful thing. I ordered potting soil cheaper on there than at a local wal mart and got it delivered to my door for free shipping. Same with my promix, free shipping. Crazy. Love it. I buy more than I should due to the free shipping, but whatever.Haha sorry stu. It's a yearly fee and you can get free two day shipping on just about anything without price requirements. With all the crap I order on there it pays for itself and then some. I've got an store card or w/e it's called. Used to be no tax either but WI started charging last year I think.
Well, he's worth not scoring elsewhere. :)
I only wish there was a version that was downloadable. I read parts of the preview and it looks great!
That's a monster, good job. You don't look too excited In The picture. I call that the Archie bunker smile
Steve, Is there a way someone can get all 3 in the series at once? I have always appreciated your writing and I would like to get my hands on the 3 books in this series as I am certain I can learn something and improve my hunting.
Direct from me gives the biggest cut (I buy them for 1/2 list price...$12.50. So, I get almost $10 per book from that, after tax and shipping and $12.50 are subtracted from the $25). After that, it doesn't much matter where you get it. I get 10% of the price the publisher sold it for. So, it looks like I'd get $1.25 from those sold off of D&DH's web site (as they're the publisher). I'm guessing around $1 from amazon.
Forget what I wrote earlier about buying off of amazon. They are already giving the dang thing away on D&DH's website for $12.50.
Buy it there and do it fast, if you are going to do it. I'm about to have a little chat with them about that. They told me they'd be selling it for $20 off the site, they'd be pushing the site hard and I'd be getting $2 a book for those sales. I just wasted my own $ buying a bunch of books at $12.50, as I can't justify trying to sell any of you or anyone else books at $25 (w shipping and tax included), when you can buy it for exactly what I'm paying for it.
After learning that, I'm not going hold any of you that emailed me to buying it at $25. I'll tear up the checks and money orders, so you can save 50% and get it off the D&DH's site. They have the ebook version for sale there already, too (same price). Sorry I didn't let you know that earlier. I assumed they were charging the $20 they told me they would and that amazon was the cheapest. I wasn't trying to gouge any of ou. I just didn't know until now.
. I'm never getting rich doing this and I knew that the day I walked away from a very good paying day job many years ago..
Busted....I hate taking these pics. In my position, it's work, not fun. Firearms pics aren't as bad, as I have 1/8th the Pro Staff hats to get good pics with than bow kills. Still, you're always trying to hold the head at the perfect angle to show all the points, while keeping your head somewhere that doesn't make it look like you're picking your nose w a tine, while also keeping the tines/head square/even. Oh, and your arms are burning because you have to tilt the head down to show that one kicker. So, you finally get the deer and you in positions and you're good to go...ooops, there's blood coming out of the mouth again. Need to get that cleaned up and start Over.