Security light or not?


5 year old buck +
So for those of you that own a property that you don’t live at, when you aren’t there, do you leave a yard light on? An inside light? Or out door light? Or just shut everything off?

I am just wondering if having a light on, will just attract, and light up the area for thieves, so they can see their way around your property?
I have a neighbor that lived away and had a night light outside and a timer light inside. He also has a lawn service and I drove into his driveway often to look things over. I filed a trespasser complaint on my adjoining property and met the state police officer at my neighbors as his house is more visible than mine. The officer was quite surprised that the neighbors was a part time residence. Between the lights, the lawn being mowed and the active looking driveway the officer thought that someone was living there full time. So yes the whole package works. The lights alone may not be enough though. This worked for six years without incident except for one tree stand being stolen. The neighbor now does live here full time and really his property looks the same as when he was only here part time.

I think the light is a great first step. An old car in the driveway is another and a mowed lawn and plowed driveway also adds to the illusion. And it really helps to befriend a full time neighbor CAREFULLY chosen to add to the illusion with frequent trips in and out of the driveway.
Ours are motion sensor lights. They operate the same whether we are there or not. It doesn't create a signature for thieves, it is convenient when we are at the farm, doesn't consume much power. Darkness is always better for thieves.


Having lights outside allows law enforcement to see if vehicles are there when they should not be. Agree thieves like darkness

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Yard light, motion sensors, cameras, alarm system. Do it all. The peace of mind is worth the price.
Motion sensor lights on the front and rear, timers indoors, and hidden cameras. If you have a way to leave a vehicle there for long intervals, that can also serve as a deterrent.
I have a few cell cameras around the place now. As of right now, I only have a couple older campers there, but if winter ever decides to recede, I am planning on breaking ground on my shed/garage. I didn’t know if it would be best to have a light on while building, or even when it is finished. I wondered if having a new light on would draw people’s attention, being there never was one before.
I'm with everyone else, lights, cameras, Alarm. I have both dusk to dawn and motion lights. The only change I'm making when they blow out is to replace them with L.E.D. Lights. Last longer and cheaper to run.

I have internet at my place and the security cameras take continuous video but they will take a still pic and email me if they sense motion. I've called the guy that cuts my grass when he's there. That little trick gets spread through the neighborhood pretty quickly.

Also agree a good neighbor is priceless. Until he puts a Hillary sign up in your yard just to bust your nads.....:)
My neighbor has a yard light on at night. They still get broken into. The light just helps when they are loading the stuff up !
I have a couple of those $20 home depot solar lights that work great. I don't have electric hookup. Not only does it provide some basic security, but also helpful when trying to unlock our camper in the dark. The whole area get illuminated.
I've owned my property for 8 years now. I have motion lights outside. I've been broken into one time, kicked the door in. Camped out for some time and only stole food and drink. The perp was caught at another property and confessed to mine. The other place had cell cameras. If the light, or whatever tech you choose, makes you feel better go for it. I'm of the opinion that nothing will stop a thief. The real question is will they be caught.
The problem with motion lights, a few years ago I decided to plant White Dutch Clover in my yard, and during the summer months, deer are in it non stop. That motion light would look like a strobe light. I am up there enough during the spring, summer, and fall to make it look homey. At least every other weekend, several full weeks, and a few times during the winter.

I have a few cell cameras around the yard. They may or may not give me a clear enough picture to identify someone, but I will know if, and when someone is in my yard, almost immediately. I do have most of the neighbors phone numbers, and they have mine.
Cell cams are probably your best defense. Lights and friendly neighbors aren't as reliable as those.
In my situation, the owner of the other property had a cam inside the dwelling. The sheriff made a comment to me that it was a pretty easy case with those pics. Perhaps something for you to think about.
Depending on the logistics at your location I probably wouldn't want all those deer lit up in my yard either.
I think most thieves are usually locals that figure out your light and visit patterns.

I have had issues from stolen feeders to handfuls of sand dumped in fuel tank of backhoe. (Just one property, my others have fantastic neighbors) Locals didn't like my food plots taking all 'their' deer. Caught most issues on camera. Cameras mounted high in trees needing a ladder are very unlikely to be noticed. I also put some cams in obvious spots as decoy cams.
All of my old cams are decoy cams, set in easily seen areas.
Dusk to dawn light on the high end of the barn facing the road. Put a stealth cam up in a tree facing down the driveway.

Get to know your neighbors so they know what you truck looks like.
Any of you guys use some type of Internet cams to check on your properties?
I'd love to get live pics of camp but no cell service. Could get Internet their thou
Any of you guys use some type of Internet cams to check on your properties?
I'd love to get live pics of camp but no cell service. Could get Internet their thou

You're golden if you have the Internet there. I'm running an 8 camera Samsung video system. 4 outdoor cams and 4 indoor cams. It's a continuous DVR or upload to the cloud. You can highlight areas the camera sees as a motion activated still camera that then emails a pic of the movement while still recording video. It uses Ipolis remote software that lets you view your cameras from anywhere on your phone or tablet.

Here is my back door a moment ago. (Didn't know it was raining until I looked)
I also view my buckeye trail cams remotely. Hopefully cudde back releases the home unit soon so there is cheaper version for close to the house.

I have owned my place for 26 years. My driveway is an easement that is 220 yards long. Then you get to a locked farm gate that has boulders on both sides of it to prevent vehicles from entering. To get to the gate you have to drive right past my neighbors house. I get along with them enough so that they would let me know if anything suspicious was going on at my place. I do not leave on a yard light because unless you know that my mobile home is at the end of the driveway, it can not be seen from the road. I do not leave anything of great value at my deer hunting headquarters. When I am there, I have a gun safe that I use to lock up any firearms and other valuables. I have two other entrances to my land and both have locked gates on them. Knock on wood, this has worked for me for 26 years.
I have a very similar set up to Bill but mine doesn't do the cloud as it is internet based but I am using a verizon hot spot. It sends me an alert on my phone if motion is detected. My cams are all wireless, NO DVR, I can control the indoor cameras remotely if I don't like the positioning, the outdoor ones are fixed position. I have tested the system over and over and I have yet to be able to trick it. I also have an alarm and I went with dusk to dawn lights. I am not really sure on the cost of running the D2D's but honestly I don't really look at what my truck gets for MPG. Its the price of poker I guess. I think my D2D's are LED??? I can't imagine it is a lof of money. They are bright I can tell you that for sure.