scales and weights

^^^^ a couple years ago? Being in black and white that photo looks like it's from the 1960's ;):D.
^^^^ a couple years ago? Being in black and white that photo looks like it's from the 1960's ;):D.
it's not "old" its a "filter"!!!:D
^^^^ a couple years ago? Being in black and white that photo looks like it's from the 1960's ;):D.

I was just happy he could email me the picture ... some of my neighbors still use flip phones ... o_O
I've got one at home that has a cord & dial on it yet.
When I bassed fished a lot a standard saying was "Never call a bass a 5 pounder unless it actually weighed 3 pounds." That about sums it up for me.
When I bassed fished a lot a standard saying was "Never call a bass a 5 pounder unless it actually weighed 3 pounds." That about sums it up for me.
Oh, fisherman are well known habitual liars too!!!:D
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Sticking your finger up the deer's a$$ when field dressing is not an accurate method of weighing a deer, but I really think this is the method most used by some of these guys. What really pi$$e$ me off are these guys who shoot a "120lb field dressed doe" (i.e. a 5 to 6 month old spring born fawn) that a person could clearly grab around the neck and lift off the ground with one hand straight out at their side like holding up a pheasant or duck by the neck. I'm sure bueller and maybe even badgerfowl have seen these "guys" around the "neighborhood". Biggest deer I have personally seen harvested with a known, accurate weight was the 8pt my dad shot many years ago. Field dressed at 213 lbs and won the heaviest deer contest at our local meat locker. To me the thing was an absolute giant compared to almost every other deer I see from our non-ag area. Keep in mind this was back in the day when everyone and their brother had a corn pile and baited the crap out of the deer, since baiting became illegal, I have not seen many even near that size.
You think hunters are bad, you ought to see fisherman, especially with Blue Marlin. Seems every one is 500 lbs. or bigger. Yet during the White Marlin Open (329 boats, 3/5 days) and the Mid Atlantic Tournament (157 boats, 3/5 days) this summer, only one fish over 500Lbs was weighed in each tournament. That's a total of 2 fish over 500 in 1458 fishing days- guess they were hiding those weeks. Truth be told, most probably weigh 175-250lbs, but effects of adrenaline and excitement on most anglers make them look a lot larger than they truly are. When you do catch an honest 500 pounder, you know it.
I'm a fisherman. We're not all habitual liars. No picture no proof....;)
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so I am glad again to see its NOT just me that gets a little annoyed/insulted maybe?
when reading things and pictures that don't add up

as for fishing, yup thats kind of a running age old joke,
like bears, almost everyone that see;s one tends to WAY over guess weights
I bought a scale a couple years ago, not a expensive one but it gives you an idea. 135# on the doe I shot tonight.IMG_20161030_210744473_HDR.jpg


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Scott, thats the same scale we have. We've weighed every deer killed on our club since the early 90's. People guess at weights, and they always guess high. I hear all the time people saying how much a deer wighs and it gets comical sometimes. Where i live, a 200lb live weight buck is hard to come by, but if you talk to the locals, they're behind every tree. We don't hunt near ag properties and i realize where there are ag properties that the weights will be higher, but 200# bucks are not common place.
I agree a lot of folks guess. I did for years and years, and most over estimate. I use to see it a lot especially with does. I have been weighing all the larger bucks at the farm for about 12 years. We always weigh them as live weight (guts in). I have been shocked more often than not. We have had three that went over 285 pounds (one was 295), but the majority seem to be in the 240 to 250 pound range for the mature bucks. I don't weigh the 4 year olds that get shot - too busy crying afterwards. I have weighed a few does, and really don't recall what the biggest weighed. In summary, it is hard to guess weights and for the most part I think folks are just making honest mistakes.

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Eye balling a deer's weight is tuff to do especially if it is your deer. I think most weights that guys tell their friends are unententionally exaggerated unless a scale was used. This is my buck from this year. Guessing the weight, I had no idea. We put it on a scale and found out the real weight. Before that, after working several hours to get it out of the bottom of the ditch my guess was 800 lbs. turns out my guess was over the real number by 590 lbs. :)image.jpeg
MRBB - You mean your N.E. Pa. mountain deer with all that nutritious mtn. laurel, leaves, twigs and moss don't get to over 200 lbs. ??? Most of them have - after all - 1 1/2 yrs. to put on all that weight. Ours do, over in N.C. Pa. :rolleyes: Just go to any bar, or listen to a group of " buddies " talking. :rolleyes::p

The only really big deer I've ever seen were from northern wilderness areas where they have way less pressure and get some years on them. A good hunting friend of mine got a weighed buck of 238 lbs. in Maine. I saw several others over 200 lbs. from northern wilds. Ag areas have it better for all the good crop nutrition. Nothing wrong with that.
MRBB - You mean your N.E. Pa. mountain deer with all that nutritious mtn. laurel, leaves, twigs and moss don't get to over 200 lbs. ??? Most of them have - after all - 1 1/2 yrs. to put on all that weight. Ours do, over in N.C. Pa. :rolleyes: Just go to any bar, or listen to a group of " buddies " talking. :rolleyes::p

The only really big deer I've ever seen were from northern wilderness areas where they have way less pressure and get some years on them. A good hunting friend of mine got a weighed buck of 238 lbs. in Maine. I saw several others over 200 lbs. from northern wilds. Ag areas have it better for all the good crop nutrition. Nothing wrong with that.
HAHA, the bars around here and gun stores are FULL of folks that claimed to have killed 200+ lb deer every yr here too?
these are the same guys that have guilt in scales in there eye's and arms
they also seem to shoot 140" + bucks every yr too
even some 140" 6 pointers I am told by a few, that were at least 8 + yrs old too! LOL

That's actually another one of my pet peeve's
when folks CLAIM a deer is as old as dirt, yet its SMALL, in all aspects
yet they swear up and down its a OLD deer due to it had ALL GREY hair on it, be its face or??

I blame TV for a lot of this
as FAR too many TV hunters seem to want to ALWAYS justify shooting a smaller buck just to get a kill on camera? and use these words to, sound like there better than??
its a "MATURE" deer, "ITS OLD"< ITS "X" lbs
when anyone with any REAL honest experience,m can see right thru there bull
BUt since and sorry to say this, IMO< 75% of hunters don't have a clue, and then when THEY shoot something, they use them same words, due to that's what the TV guys did!, and there 2 yr old deer they claimed was MATURE, look alike
they assume they too shot a OLD mature buck, and of course its weight well over 200 lbs, as it too matched the TV shows BIG FAT Deer!
even if it wasn't LOL

But if you hang out in bars or gun shops, you'll hear all sorts of Monster bucks being killed all the time that are both FAT and MATURE LOL

I guess these people also, have special rulers they measure things with, just like there scales! HAHA!
I love to hear tales of " monsters " and when you ask for a description of the rack, the story goes like this: " rack's about ear width, I'd say 15 - 16", tines about 5 or 6", brow tines about 4 - maybe 5 inches long. Huge buck !! " ( Really ??? )

Or it goes the other way, and they gesture with their hands. The typical motions put the rack at about 3 ft. high, 3 ft. wide, with tines over a foot long.
" Rack would bust a bushel basket if you tried to put it in one. " :rolleyes: :p Where do these guys come from ????????
I think I used to fish with those guys and they always got their limit too!
Best place to have an encounter with a 200 + lb. buck ( in Pa. ) is on Mahogany Ridge. They travel there regularly !! :D