RR Soybeans- Pigweed recommendation


5 year old buck +
I have Real World Soybeans that have Pigweed coming in.

I sprayed the plot about 3 weeks ago with Roundup, and it took care of everything. Since then the pigweed emerged. Ranges from anywhere from a couple inches, to a foot tall.

Can I spray anything that will take out the pigweed but not harm the soybeans?
If not should I spot spray the areas with 2 4 D, even if I lose some of the beans to prevent this junk from going to seed?
Is it blanketed, or just a few? Too big of a plot to walk and hand pull? How tough are your pigweeds, and is it waterhemp? Might be time for a burner such as cobra or flexstar.

An E3 field of ours was just sprayed 10 days ago with Liberty & Enlist and so far it looks to have smoked some pretty tall waterhemp. The pres didn't hold well due to dryness I guess.
Doesn't RW sell Gen2 or Gen3 beans that are enlist beans, or do you just have the standard RW RR beans?
Doesn't RW sell Gen2 or Gen3 beans that are enlist beans, or do you just have the standard RW RR beans?
These are Gen 2 that aren’t enlist beans.
I'm afraid your options are limited to the products Mortenson listed. I don't have experience with them, unfortunately.

My only recommendation would be for a pre-emerge next year if you stay with the RR-only beans.
I have my worst issues with weeds when I spray my plots too soon. It works well for me to wait until the weeds get tallish before spraying. That way I can get away with only spraying once. If I spray earlier I generally have to spray two or even 3 times.

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@Sligh1 any chemical recommendations for titan on this one?
@Sligh1 any chemical recommendations for titan on this one?
Ya. Ok- so u have round up beans that are not e3. Got it. Pigweed.
Tons of options to be honest….. since PW is taller & past the height on label (yes, u can still kill it)…. U are gonna wanna read all the labels + go higher rate + run a few of the herbicides below. And last… most likely add ams &/or crop oil. I’d run at least 2 groups of herbicides, maybe 3. Herbicide options…. I’ll mention brand names & u can find the generics in them & what groups they are really easy. Luckily I farm & need tools like this & have used most of these before enlist came out…. Off top of my head… groups 2, 14 & 15 are probably gonna be what u spray….

Anthem maxx (2 groups in here I believe)
Marvel, prefix, pursuit, raptor, reflex, warrant ultra. Few others.
Can do cobra - will burn beans but they bounce back.

I’d run heavy gly with 2 to 3 groups of herbicides above plus 3 qts gly for example…. Pigweed is smoked. Dunzo. Hope that helps.
Ya. Ok- so u have round up beans that are not e3. Got it. Pigweed.
Tons of options to be honest….. since PW is taller & past the height on label (yes, u can still kill it)…. U are gonna wanna read all the labels + go higher rate + run a few of the herbicides below. And last… most likely add ams &/or crop oil. I’d run at least 2 groups of herbicides, maybe 3. Herbicide options…. I’ll mention brand names & u can find the generics in them & what groups they are really easy. Luckily I farm & need tools like this & have used most of these before enlist came out…. Off top of my head… groups 2, 14 & 15 are probably gonna be what u spray….

Anthem maxx (2 groups in here I believe)
Marvel, prefix, pursuit, raptor, reflex, warrant ultra. Few others.
Can do cobra - will burn beans but they bounce back.

I’d run heavy gly with 2 to 3 groups of herbicides above plus 3 qts gly for example…. Pigweed is smoked. Dunzo. Hope that helps.
Skip you are the best! Thank you
I just planted my RW beans tonight but I have to use the enlist beans and I spray with interline and Gly.Interline is the generic liberty herbicide.
So let us know what you decide to go with and what the results are. I'll reiterate Skip's point about using multiple chems in the tank mix. Some give a synergistic reaction. Flipside some burn too much before a systemic can do it's job. Seems killing twh is more art and luck than science lot of the time.
So let us know what you decide to go with and what the results are. I'll reiterate Skip's point about using multiple chems in the tank mix. Some give a synergistic reaction. Flipside some burn too much before a systemic can do its job. Seems killing twh is more art and luck than science lot of the time.
The route I’m going to have to go is based on chemical availability. So any helpful tips on getting some of these combos as generic to reduce cost, and where I can find them is appreciated.

Punch in generic name in search bar or call them and tell them what you're looking for and they'll get you what you need as long as they aren't use restricted.
I have Real World Soybeans that have Pigweed coming in.

I sprayed the plot about 3 weeks ago with Roundup, and it took care of everything. Since then the pigweed emerged. Ranges from anywhere from a couple inches, to a foot tall.

Can I spray anything that will take out the pigweed but not harm the soybeans?
If not should I spot spray the areas with 2 4 D, even if I lose some of the beans to prevent this junk from going to seed?
Are you planning to plant anything different here after the beans?

Punch in generic name in search bar or call them and tell them what you're looking for and they'll get you what you need as long as they aren't use restricted.

I second Keystone. Occasionally I have to find the right chemical or size from Do My Own. Both have been good for me.

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