Roundup question

S.T. - ^^^^ Interesting stuff in that video. It seems long-term soil health is becoming more of a focus these days. That's a good thing. The story about the deer walking 1/2 mile to eat open-pollinated corn is eye-opening. Thanks for posting.
I watched all 3 parts. What a great set of videos. Thanks for sharing.
We (wife and I) finished watching the "Treating the farm as an Ecosystem" series last night. What an excellent channel with tons of information. Thanks for the recommendation!
Cap'n, post # 52 - Big chemical manufacturers have a justified bad rep over many years. DDT, Kepone, Mirex, pcb's, Agent Orange, dioxin ( several mixtures of it ), and many others have been proven to be dangerous and/or deadly. IMO - prudence and caution are never a bad thing. It may take the passage of more years and the studies of independent test groups to make a final call on glyphosate. When I use it, I wear disposable rain suits to keep any spray drift/splash off me - and I apply it with a tank sprayer with the nozzle set to fine droplets, not mist. I hope gly is finally found to be safe by groups with no monetary skin in the game.

I agree the $2B will get reduced.

On a similar storyline - Documentation and e-mails have been exposed (made by the makers of opioids like Oxycontin) that the makers were telling doctors all around the U.S. that they were safe to use for long-term pain control. Those claims have since been proven to be false, and now we have an opioid epidemic that was started, in many instances, by doctors giving regular folks pain meds. for legitimate pain problems. And AFTER the manufacturers said they had tested those drugs and found them to be safe. I personally know a man who started out on Oxy from a Dr. for pain caused by a car accident / injuries and when the prescription ran out, he sought illegal means to get more Oxy and went on to heroin ……...….. and died from an OD.

Dreams of huge $$$$ profits dilute the ethics of too many …………… sadly.

I appreciate your concern for the well-being of our ecology. We differ on the best way to achieve the best outcome, but our goals are the same. America feeds the world, we teach the world about conservation, sustainability, and how to over come obstacles that have kept Nations poor for 1000’s of years. Chemicals have and will continue to have a big part in that effort. Yes they do need to be scrutinized.
I posted in an earlier post all the links to “studies with no monetary skin in the game. “ I hope you will read some of them. I will definitely watch the video posted by ST because that’s the kind of thing that interests me.
After all, most of us are on here to learn.
I have an open mind an I’m willing to listen and learn.
I just celebrated my 40th wedding anniversary on the 18th so as you can see I do answer to a higher power LOL! And I’ve learned to listen.

Smile and agree

She's right 90% of the time,anyway

Congrats on anniversary.......celebrating 29 years May 26

Cap'n - Congrats on the 40 years. I'm at 33 years myself - and I agree about listening to the Governor in the house !!

I haven't seen the links you've mentioned. I'll have to look at them. Not enough time in the day to do & read all the things I'd like to. I'm also keeping an open mind on the glyphosate issue. Until I'm satisfied with the data, I'll keep wearing my cheap rain suits when using it !!