Roundup question

You gotta love the timing. The gly/RR pair comes out and productivity goes up. Gly develops the reputation as one of the safest herbicides available especially compared to what farmers used pre-gly. Over time we begin to hear about gly-resistant weeds becoming a problem. Just about the time when farmers begin to look for alternatives, new GMO/Herbicide combinations come out. We then are hit with an activist campaign about the health impact of gly.

Regardless of the legitimacy or hype of claims on either side, I really find the timing interesting. When trying to unravel an enigma...follow the money!


Ive said for awhile I think Monsanto is behind it all. Patent is up on gly. Get it outlawed and you bet your ass they have the next silver bullet patented waiting im the wind.
Ive said for awhile I think Monsanto is behind it all. Patent is up on gly. Get it outlawed and you bet your ass they have the next silver bullet patented waiting im the wind.
Monsanto is a factor but not the only player in the game.
I like to take a couple deep breaths when spraying and suck it in deep. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Monsanto sold to Bayer. Bayer’s agri chem business was purchased by BASF. BASF created genetically modified crops to be Glufosinate “liberty link” safe. I think that’s the chain of events that happened over the past few years.
Anyway, The next bullet is out.

And I’m here to tell you it works....for now.

I make no claims to it’s safeness to humans. But if you’re red root pigweed it’s deadly to you!
Liberty is $289 for 2.5 gallons on Amazon. Ouch.
Liberty is $289 for 2.5 gallons on Amazon. Ouch.

That’s high. $176 at keystone. About the same at my local guy. Just under 1quart per acre. Higher than gly today per acre. But not back when it was under the patent.

Expensive but when you’re looking at a bean field where all you can see is pigweed it will become priceless the next growing season. Did for me anyway.
Anyone interested in learning more about the possible dangers of gly should search youtube for some videos by Dr. Zach Bush, and Johnathon Lundgren.

I will no longer use gly, and am trying to cut out all herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc....
Yeah, anytime I want to find the truth about something I go to you tube:emoji_thumbsup:
I have been using less and less gly every year. I have been having good success with planting cover crops and planting late when the soil is warm. When the soil is warm the "crops" we plant grow much faster and have a much better chance of out competing the "weeds". I plant RR beans and sugar beets. If I terminate the cover crop with gly before I plant my beans in early June I can get an acceptable amount of pods that I sometimes skip spraying the beans them self. With the cost of the beets I don't skip on the gly.

Learn to accept some weeds and become less dependent on spraying. Like mentioned many times in the past on here only the food that is in the stomach of the deer matters. If you have food left over in the spring in a weed free plot you could have saved some time and money skipping the gly. Your yield would have suffered some but.....
Just something I’ve been wondering if anyone has observed yet in there situation. With the throw an mow method and spraying a cover crop like Winter wheat….has anyone observed that WW still being grazed after spraying? Do the deer naturally stop browsing on it? With all the recent news about Glysophate showing up in the food chain, I’m just wondering about deer ingesting it and then eating backstraps on the grill.
Yes, I've observed deer feasting on sprayed plots all the time. In fact, I think I've noticed an increase after spraying.
........ the gypsum syndrome......

Not to hijack,but.........

Getting the complete tests this year to look for sulfur after reading SD1555 threads

Not to hijack,but.........

Getting the complete tests this year to look for sulfur after reading SD1555 threads

That's what I did this year and my sulfur was low, I had it added to my fertilizer a few weeks ago when I had it spread.
You gotta love the timing. The gly/RR pair comes out and productivity goes up. Gly develops the reputation as one of the safest herbicides available especially compared to what farmers used pre-gly. Over time we begin to hear about gly-resistant weeds becoming a problem. Just about the time when farmers begin to look for alternatives, new GMO/Herbicide combinations come out. We then are hit with an activist campaign about the health impact of gly.

Regardless of the legitimacy or hype of claims on either side, I really find the timing interesting. When trying to unravel an enigma...follow the money!


Ive said for awhile I think Monsanto is behind it all. Patent is up on gly. Get it outlawed and you bet your ass they have the next silver bullet patented waiting im the wind.

That’s Interesting....then why would Monsanto be spending millions of dollars defending glyphosate and fighting all these court battles?

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Didn't Monsanto and Bayer merge, then sell to BASF... creating a situation where Roundup and Liberty link are ultimately owned by the same corp. If this is the case then having Liberty beans on the market with a high dollar herbicide would be a good deal... but completely giving up on Roundup would be goofy as there is still a market for it. Millions of $$$ are small beans in this situation and worth spending to save a product line even if you own the next best thing. But some bad press for said product would sure help the sale of the newer (and more profitable) product. Maybe I'm off base here because I obviously haven't really studied the mergers and stuff, just going off what I've caught bits and pieces of.
Didn't Monsanto and Bayer merge, then sell to BASF... creating a situation where Roundup and Liberty link are ultimately owned by the same corp.

Yep that’s how I read it.
Liberty works pretty well, for many weeds, when it's used correctly. It's definitely not a new chemical. Came out in the mid 90's. Resistance issues to it will become more common eventually too. Gly still works better on grasses than Liberty. Not sure if correct, but I've heard there aren't any new "star" chemicals coming down the pipe for many years. Basically nothing in the works at this time. Who knows.

You can get sued for anything. It might be frivolous, but you're still sued and need to defend yourself.