5 year old buck +
That’s Interesting....then why would Monsanto be spending millions of dollars defending glyphosate and fighting all these court battles?
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There are lots of players when money is involved, not just Monsanto. Don't forget about the class action attorneys. Is it possible for any chemical to be and ubiquitous and successful as Gly and not become a target? There are still some regulatory hurdles with some of the new stuff. Do health claims regarding gly increase pressure on approval. With companies and portions of companies being bought and sold, I'm not even sure we know what the interests of each company are in this.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I don't think Monsanto had some bug master plan. Most companies are too inept to execute something like that. My point is that in our economy pressure is created through financial interest. It is a pretty tangled web, but we can be pretty sure, money is the driver behind it.
Oh, and what Monsanto is spending on defending gly in court is simply a cost of doing business for them.