Roundup question

That’s Interesting....then why would Monsanto be spending millions of dollars defending glyphosate and fighting all these court battles?

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There are lots of players when money is involved, not just Monsanto. Don't forget about the class action attorneys. Is it possible for any chemical to be and ubiquitous and successful as Gly and not become a target? There are still some regulatory hurdles with some of the new stuff. Do health claims regarding gly increase pressure on approval. With companies and portions of companies being bought and sold, I'm not even sure we know what the interests of each company are in this.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I don't think Monsanto had some bug master plan. Most companies are too inept to execute something like that. My point is that in our economy pressure is created through financial interest. It is a pretty tangled web, but we can be pretty sure, money is the driver behind it.

Oh, and what Monsanto is spending on defending gly in court is simply a cost of doing business for them.


Didn't Monsanto and Bayer merge, then sell to BASF... creating a situation where Roundup and Liberty link are ultimately owned by the same corp. If this is the case then having Liberty beans on the market with a high dollar herbicide would be a good deal... but completely giving up on Roundup would be goofy as there is still a market for it. Millions of $$$ are small beans in this situation and worth spending to save a product line even if you own the next best thing. But some bad press for said product would sure help the sale of the newer (and more profitable) product. Maybe I'm off base here because I obviously haven't really studied the mergers and stuff, just going off what I've caught bits and pieces of.

No, that’s not the case. BASF now owns Liberty and Bayer owns Roundup.

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No, that’s not the case. BASF now owns Liberty and Bayer owns Roundup.

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Thanks for the clarification. I had thought (incorrectly it appears) Bayer was purchased by BASF. I'm guessing that they did sell some to BASF but not what they got from Monsanto?
No, that’s not the case. BASF now owns Liberty and Bayer owns Roundup.

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Thanks for the clarification. I had thought (incorrectly it appears) Bayer was purchased by BASF. I'm guessing that they did sell some to BASF but not what they got from Monsanto?

Bayer bought Monsanto and had to divest all their seed business and other products. BASF ended up with Liberty and other products.

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Maybe all the hoopla was to drive Monsanto's stock price down before the buy. Then whomever needs to be paid gets paid, and hey presto, Roundup is safe again, Bayer stock price shoots up.
Interesting topic. I’m sure everyone can agree that spraying chemicals of any kind on our land isn’t preferable and wouldn’t be used if not absolutely necessary. Am I off base with that comment? I just don’t see any reason to be disrespectful of someone who’s skeptical.

I’ve used gly a few times on our land but would prefer the weeds and invasive species would just surrender peacefully!

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I’m not sure I buy what the EPA sells anymore. Doesn’t seem to be protecting much of anything environmental these days. Went corporate IMO, but hey, if your on the fence of using the stuff and this gives the user peace of mind, so be it. It’s a chemical, use protection, try not get anything on you and call it good. Move on to getting that seed in the ground.
Interesting topic. I’m sure everyone can agree that spraying chemicals of any kind on our land isn’t preferable and wouldn’t be used if not absolutely necessary. Am I off base with that comment? I just don’t see any reason to be disrespectful of someone who’s skeptical.

I’ve used gly a few times on our land but would prefer the weeds and invasive species would just surrender peacefully!

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I agree we should not disrespect someone for healthy skepticism. But that skepticism needs to be applied to both ends of the equation. While I agree, avoiding the use of chemicals is generally preferable, few of us have an absolute necessity to use them. Food plots themselves are not absolutely necessary. Hunting itself is not absolutely necessary for most of us. While we eat what we kill, few hunt for survival.

I would say chemicals, like a tractor, plow, disk, and so on are just tools. What we need to do is to set our objectives and weigh the positives and negatives, consider the long term consequences the best we can given the current science and make our choices. Anyone who is not skeptical of someone who says "Gly is so safe you can drink it.", just as much as one should be skeptical of someone who claims there is clear proof it causes cancer, is foolish. There is bias based on personal interests driving both sides. Reality likely lies between.


Telemark, post #46 - What ………… stock prices being manipulated by "pillars of the community" ?? C'mon, all those upstanding CEO's and traders would NEVER do anything unethical ………………… right ?? And do it for a profit ???? Perish the thought.
I doubt they will ever see a dime of it.
Bayer will appeal it, it will go to a court not in California and the overwhelming evidence that RU doesn’t cause that will overrule them. The good folks involved are a pawn in a smear game against big chemical.
Let the fun begin Got that last 2.5 gallon jug on sale for $35 bucks. Hope I don't have to use it all on RCG haha
Anybody tried Burnout? Organic weed and grass killer?
product reviews dont look great
product reviews dont look great

Yeah, I noticed that. I'd imagine with all the poor press out about Gly we'll see many more "green" offerings in the near future. There is definitely a growing market for a non chemical option.
I planted RR soybeans last year. I did not spray them and they got weedy. With that said they put on plenty of pods and fed the deer into early January. I am planting a non gmo mix in a couple of weeks. If it turns out even OK I am going to rethink the future of my plotting. I am going to "sacrifice" a portion of my largest plot and try to get the soil healthy. With the proper micro nutrient and fungal/bacterial balance along with plant diversity weeds and fertilizer become a thing of the past. Build it and they will come. There are over 1700 beneficial insects that are at work full time. Most of them feed on the pests and some even eat up to 10 percent of the weed seed per day. It isn't going to happen over night but I have other plots to compare results with so If one isn't much for a few years it isn't a big deal.
Cap'n, post # 52 - Big chemical manufacturers have a justified bad rep over many years. DDT, Kepone, Mirex, pcb's, Agent Orange, dioxin ( several mixtures of it ), and many others have been proven to be dangerous and/or deadly. IMO - prudence and caution are never a bad thing. It may take the passage of more years and the studies of independent test groups to make a final call on glyphosate. When I use it, I wear disposable rain suits to keep any spray drift/splash off me - and I apply it with a tank sprayer with the nozzle set to fine droplets, not mist. I hope gly is finally found to be safe by groups with no monetary skin in the game.

I agree the $2B will get reduced.

On a similar storyline - Documentation and e-mails have been exposed (made by the makers of opioids like Oxycontin) that the makers were telling doctors all around the U.S. that they were safe to use for long-term pain control. Those claims have since been proven to be false, and now we have an opioid epidemic that was started, in many instances, by doctors giving regular folks pain meds. for legitimate pain problems. And AFTER the manufacturers said they had tested those drugs and found them to be safe. I personally know a man who started out on Oxy from a Dr. for pain caused by a car accident / injuries and when the prescription ran out, he sought illegal means to get more Oxy and went on to heroin ……...….. and died from an OD.

Dreams of huge $$$$ profits dilute the ethics of too many …………… sadly.
And the largest poppy fields in the world are located in Afganastan. I wonder when the most recent opiate problem started being noticed. I'm just going to go out on a limb and guess sometime between 2002 and 2003. Weird.
Just finished watching part 3. FF to 1hr 40 min 50 sec.
