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Rootstock/graft question


5 year old buck +
Once a rootstock is grafted with a scion, how deep can the rootstock be set down in a pot for summer babying ?? I grafted some B-118 and MM-111 rootstock and have about 6" under the potting mix. A couple are showing signs of the scion wilting. Soil is not dry at all. Pots are mostly indoors at a south-facing sliding door. Any ideas ??
I would say 6" of the root stock buried is not the issue. I would guess that 90% of the ones I graft are buried that deep if not deeper. More likely a condition of the potting medium or the pot. I am not a fan of growing trees in pots as I have had poor luck with it.
What color was the pot? I've lost every tree I have tried to plant in a black pot.
Mine do fine in black RB2s but black pots can heat up if your not careful. Perhaps the fact that the RB2s are ventilated everywhere helps. Mine get plenty of water and I have not had over heating issues.


Yeah, i’m talking the cheapo black ones.
Pots aren't black. They're terra cotta colored. Potting mix is composted media with Miracle Grow granules added. Soil is plenty moist, and they get filtered light through very light-colored curtains. Temp. is about 68 to 70 degrees.
I've been growing 75-100 trees a year for the past 5 years with many in black pots without an issue. This year I've planted more in 3 gallon root pouch fabric pots because of the cost factor.