Replanting Part of Corn Foodplot


5 year old buck +
With our low deer numbers, we decided to leave part of last year's corn stand. My neighbor took out the areas with little corn left.

I think this will make a nice travel lane with cover ( old corn/weeds) on both sides.IMG_8628.JPG
Weedy corn is a wildlife heaven!
Looks like a great spot for Soybeans and Crimson Clover. Then I would Broadcast WR in to that come the end of August!
This..^^^^! The only other thing I might add is a few lbs/acre of some forage radish when I added the rye.
Looks like it might be next to the road. Strip of Ew next to the road now Later some oats/AWP in a strip and some Brassica in another strip. The old corn does look like great habitat for wildlife!!
Looks like it might be next to the road. Strip of Ew next to the road now Later some oats/AWP in a strip and some Brassica in another strip. The old corn does look like great habitat for wildlife!!
That is my driveway which is almost 1/4 mile long. We were thinking of planting a corn-bean mix. I'm not sure if my neighbor got it in last night or not. It poured andhaield during the early AM, before I left for work.

Yesterday I walked that disked area and through any ears of corn out that I could find. I imagine there will still be too much volunteer corn. The central area in the background flooded out last year, and probably again this morning. Place for rye and I got some radishes from MoBuck this year.

My great neighbor got both foodplots in before the rain started. Here is a view of the first foodplot from the other direction.

Here is foodplot number two. I've got a few sugar beets to squeeze in somewhere.IMG_8616.JPG