Ready mix mineral for corn?


5 year old buck +
Anyone know of a ready made deer mineral pellet to add with corn? Was told I could buy a 25lb bag and it is to be mixed with 200lbs of corn for feeding Feb.-Aug, but they didn’t say the name of it. Has anyone heard of a company that sells this?
On this topic,.. I heard rumor it is not good to feed deer corn in the winter.

If that is true when can you start feeding deer corn (here in New England) ?

Is it February,.. like above might suggest?
On this topic,.. I heard rumor it is not good to feed deer corn in the winter.

If that is true when can you start feeding deer corn (here in New England) ?

Is it February,.. like above might suggest?
Do some research on acidosis and enterotoxemia... There are methods that can reduce these possibilities. A deer's rumen needs to adapt to what it's eating to efficiently digest it. Adding too much (too quickly) or removing a stable food source can cause problems.
Perfect thanks ST
In this situation you would be feeding corn pretty much year round and adding protein & mineral mix during the off season.