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Rain and More Rain


5 year old buck +
My hunting lease just North of Greensburg, LA. Seven and a half inches over the last three hours and it's not moving out.

Dang, wish you could send a little north, here in MI we could use it.
I'd love to send some your way. It's now over 12" and still coming down.
It's VERY TOUGH to watch your lease and food plots get that much rain in a short period of time. In Eastern NC, the last couple of years we normally get 5-10 inches at a time the last of September-1st week or 2 of October. Last year we received almost 10 inches the first week of October (SC received over 15 inches in spots) and we had to replant all of our food plots. We'll start planting our brassicas next week and our grains the first week of September and hope Mother Nature sends us some rain but not enough to drown everything we have growing. Hope your rain moves on soon to some of the guys that need it.
My land got pounded July 11th with 12 inches of rain, I had to replant everything that I just planted the week before.
Five hours later and it's still coming down. I have no idea how many inches at this point.

I just got home from the west coast checking in. Looks rough down there and appears will be so all week. We've only got a couple inches here so far but lots more coming. Good luck! My buddies daughter in Lafayette had her home and car flood.
I'm watching the Weather Channel and my Heart goes out to all of you in Louisiana. Some areas have gotten 18-24+ inches of rain. Our prayers are with ALL that have been flooded and displaced.
How are you doing down there. Been tragic for a lot of folks including many friends.
I made out fine. My sister's house is on three-foot piers and she had water lapping and inch below her door sill. Fortunately it stopped rising and did not get in the house. Have several friends with water in the house, one about four feet deep. Horrible mess.

Lots of road closures so I haven't been able to get to the hunting lease yet to check out damage there. Hopefully our camp ground did not flood.
I just received this on my phone from one of our hunting club members. It's the highway leading to our lease.

That is just crazy right there. Bet that trucker had to change his shorts.
Sorry to see you getting flooded out.
It had been a flat out drought here all summer until last Friday, maybe an inch and a half since beginning of June. We finally got a couple inches over the last few days with more to come.

I think it's going to be to late for my little pines I put out in early spring, I think I've lost over 50% of them.
No worries, no rain here since 7/25, I can't catch a break.