Raccoon trapping

Trapped a skunk last night 220 body hold omg about burned my olfactory nerve out of my nose this morning trying to release him from the trap. Threw away gloves, threw clothes in washer took a shower and could still smell skunk all the to KC. I should of snapped a photo almost all white coloration.
Lol! Been there and done that!
I've caught 2 skunks in legholds this weekend. Both dispatched with a .22 through the chest, neither sprayed.
If I trap a skunk, I kill it and leave it in trap. Next day, it will be gone
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Trapped a skunk last night 220 body hold omg about burned my olfactory nerve out of my nose this morning trying to release him from the trap. Threw away gloves, threw clothes in washer took a shower and could still smell skunk all the to KC. I should of snapped a photo almost all white coloration.
WOW...I've only seen two skunks since moving here in 2017, but I have always consider the possibility of trapping one. Definitely not something I want to experience. How are are you from KC?
If I trap a skunk, I kill it and leave it in trap. Next day, it will be gone
What do you suppose comes and takes them?
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WOW...I've only seen two skunks since moving here in 2017, but I have always consider the possibility of trapping one. Definitely not something I want to experience. How are are you from KC?
Hour to hour and a half south of KC depending on where your going.
I have a friend who feeds outdoor cats dry food in a big bowl on the porch apparently a skunk found the food. He lets his lab out and just leaves the front door open until the dog comes back in. Know where this is going?

Yep the dog chased a skunk into and all over the house while it was spraying. Took a week with a big ozone machine to clear that up.
I have a friend who feeds outdoor cats dry food in a big bowl on the porch apparently a skunk found the food. He lets his lab out and just leaves the front door open until the dog comes back in. Know where this is going?

Yep the dog chased a skunk into and all over the house while it was spraying. Took a week with a big ozone machine to clear that up.

Omg I can’t even imagine I’d of burned the house down and started over
What do you all do with your carcasses? I put them under fruit trees for a while... but it turns out the wife doesn't approve of that method.

I try to bury them near trees. But I have never had as many as 60 to deal with.
Once I was asked by a lady to trap whatever was eating all the cat food she was putting out. This was on a older farmstead, with a couple old, large wooden buildings. I caught some of the fattest, most beautifully furred skunks you have ever seen! LOL At that time I worked for the USDA and had a permit to euthanize trapped animals in cage traps with a chemical that Vets us to euthanize pets. So they rarely sprayed. Gave them an injection with a syringe on the end of long pole. Wish I had tanned one or 2 of them.
I got a call from a older couple that had a skunk issue.They had dug under their foundation and got under the house.Then they clawed a hole into the heater flex duct.I got their and pulled a vent cover in the living room and there was a skunk about 2 feet away in the duct.We went in basement and you could run your hand along the flex duct and feel the 2 skunks.They didn't like my idea so they had a pest removal trapper come in and lure them outside the crawl hole and trapped them.
No more action this morning. Due to travel commitments, it will be mid-December before I am able to trap again, at which time I hope to expand the trapping area. So, the half-year total on 2 acres is 67 'coons and 12 'possums. I look forward to hearing how other's trapping season goes.
No more action this morning. Due to travel commitments, it will be mid-December before I am able to trap again, at which time I hope to expand the trapping area. So, the half-year total on 2 acres is 67 'coons and 12 'possums. I look forward to hearing how other's trapping season goes.
Great work! I will start here shortly up until spring. I only have 4 dukes traps left, I’d like to set 10-12 a night ideally
If the weather is workable we will set some steel on the new farm in a couple of weeks once the work schedule backs off a bit. Coyotes and coons are the primary targets but looks like we should have a solid chance for a bobcat or 2.
There isn't ANY market for coon. Even prime MN coon isn't worth anything.
So sad. If the coons only live a couple years in the wild & then die ........... why not use the fur for some warm clothing, apparel, gloves, hats, etc. taken by trapping?? As younger guys, my cousin and I trapped coons, fox, opossum, skunks, and muskrats. I always thought prime muskrat fur was as soft as you could find - great for lining a hat or gloves.

When fur prices were higher, and critter numbers were kept more in check - we didn't hear about rabies being such a widespread problem as we do today. Connection ?? ............ hmmm ...........
Coyotes love a good skunk
So do foxes!!! An older, experienced trapper told me if we ever got a skunk in a trap to dispatch it, and then bury it right where it was caught - but leave a few tufts of its tail fur stick out above the ground. Then he told me to set 3 or 4 fox traps around that buried skunk. He said the smell would draw foxes, and once they saw the fur sticking up out of the ground, they'd go crazy thinking they had an easy meal. He was right!!! Foxes LOVE the smell of skunk.😉
Raccoon #68 for an even 80 predators (12 opossums) since June 1. Last night was the first (and only) day I trapped this month. I feel pretty good about my goal of 100 predators before May.