5 year old buck +
I've read on these threads of guys suggesting to someone that they buy some rootstocks and plant them. If I buy say, a dozen B-118 rootstocks & plant them - will they all be different trees / fruits possibly? If so, is it because they were started from seed? ( I know all apple seed is different )
If I got a dozen Dolgo rootstocks, would I get 12 Dolgo trees? Or something similar to a Dolgo? I know what a grafted tree is and how scion is grafted onto a specific rootstock. What I'm not clear on is the origin of a rootstock. Is it a cloned thing? Tissue culture? Genetically engineered? Root cuttings from " breeder " trees?
If I got a dozen Dolgo rootstocks, would I get 12 Dolgo trees? Or something similar to a Dolgo? I know what a grafted tree is and how scion is grafted onto a specific rootstock. What I'm not clear on is the origin of a rootstock. Is it a cloned thing? Tissue culture? Genetically engineered? Root cuttings from " breeder " trees?