Graft below ground level?


5 year old buck +
Received my apple/crabs from bluehill today. Took a quick look at his planting instructions and noticed on the last paragraph he said to plant the tree so the graft is at or below ground level. Every apple tree I have planted in the past I had it so that the graft is a couple of inches above the ground. But that was with m111/b118 rootstock.

Is it different with dolgo rootstock? Would the tree be just as good if I planted it couple of inches above? Thanks!
When he says "just below" I think he means an inch or two. At that depth there would not be enough dirt for natural roots to form above the graft. In my opinion, a two or three inch range above or below groundline doesn't matter for his trees.

If you plant MM111 too shallow, you will get bur knots above ground. I like to put those an inch or two below grade. I’ve done this with a bunch of trees and it works fine.

B118 trees in my area are notorious for blowing over in a storm. I would never plant another one, but if I did, I would put the graft at least 12 inches below grade - hoping that it would form natural roots or die. Either outcome would be better than what I've seen with B118.

Bottom line - Ryan knows what he is talking about. I would always do what he suggests.
Thanks @Native Hunter . Just started to dabble more into fruit trees last year. Hopefully my trees from Wtc's do good in the future on my ground. Definitely will follow ryans advice! Was just curious to hear other peoples opinions.
Thanks @Native Hunter . Just started to dabble more into fruit trees last year. Hopefully my trees from Wtc's do good in the future on my ground. Definitely will follow ryans advice! Was just curious to hear other peoples opinions.
Good luck with your trees.