question on the pre-rut and rut?


5 year old buck +
Was just wondering guys thoughts on hunting stands during pre-rut or rut more then one or twice in a row, normally your first or second time in the stand is best but I guess you never know during the rut, just had a friend shoot a 150 inch 9pt and he sat in same stand five times in a row. As long as wind is right do you guys think you can burn a stand out during the rut or because bucks are traveling longer distances a new buck might come from a half mile away. I struggle with this because I always think less is better to not over hunt an area but want to be there when a big boy shows. Any thoughts thanks? Scoot
I leave my rut stands alone till the rut. Then I piss pound them and don't worry about over hunting them anymore. JMHO.
I leave my rut stands alone till the rut. Then I piss pound them and don't worry about over hunting them anymore. JMHO.

I think this is a good strategy.
I leave my rut stands alone till the rut. Then I piss pound them and don't worry about over hunting them anymore. JMHO.

Yep, we've got stands that haven't been hunted since last year and won't be til Nov1st. Then all bets are off.
I leave my rut stands alone till the rut. Then I piss pound them and don't worry about over hunting them anymore. JMHO.


I have had some great encounters hunting the sanctuary dawn till dark for a week straight if possible!
Once the chasing is going full bore I don't hesitate to keep going back to the well. It also kinda depends on the set up. if it is a good rut funnel where deer will just be cruising through and not hanging around alot, then i stick with it for as long as i have to. if its more of an area like small tucked away plot where deer (does especially) might linger around for a bit...the chances of the does busting you increase. As long as i don't bust the does and they keep coming then i will stick with it as long as i need to. If i get busted and does aren't coming in during shooting light anymore then i might move to another stand that is fresher or has the does.
Scoot I use to be paranoid about this same thing too. I have blamed my paranoia on on those damn hunting magazines and shows I used to watch. That's why I don't entertain myself with that garbage any more. I entertain myself here.
I'll put it to you this way. You got some huge bucks on your place. I'm not sure you have a good idea where they are bedding or not, but they have to be bedding damn close to your place or on it.
In your situation, if you have a hunch you have a chance to kill one of those pigs, at any time, go for it. Obviously with caution and in a smart way, ie-hunting the wind, exiting/ entering stand, etc.
All this bs about buck beds, super natural powers of bucks, and whatever else those so called deer whisperers theorize about, means abosolutly squat, if you think you know a buck you want is killable.
As hard as it is not to do, don't put antlers on a pedestal. do whatever you can to make sure a buck knows your not hunting him, but if you have realistic confidence you can kill a target buck, by all means kill him! We work our tails off setting the table for a kill. Have confidence in that plan, and have fun trying to execute.
Besides, by not hunting your place pre rut, there is a good chance he will be dogging does a mile from your place the next couple days. If he's there kill him! There are countless variables, but it's still called hunting!
I haven't hunted most of my stand yet, but I also haven't had a reason to, since Ive only seen 2 bucks the entire season on stand.
I've been hammering the does and that likely is a contributing factor, but I feel it needs to be done for the greater good.
If I've had what you have on your place my approach would be different.
Thanks for replies guys, yeah its only 40 acres and I have two access routes in and out, I read all these articles also and sometimes, wait not sometimes most of the time my head is going to explode because the experts a lot of times contradict each other. Knowing I have some brutes there has me losing sleep but I have to remember to have fun and anything can happen at anytime. Dipper I know the buck pictured in my avatar beds sometimes in a sanctuary near my secluded thin oats and rye plot, its where most of my big boy pics are taken and a transition area also. Its where I will be hunting a lot. I don't know where splitter beds and I am pretty sure crabclaw beds sometimes on my land or real close. Scoot
That's why they call it hunting. I guess if we wanted guarentee trophies we'd be hunting in pens.