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Quebec cold hardy apple report


5 year old buck +

Has information on apples and rootstocks tested between 1996 and 2005.

Good cold hardiness for the columnar apple variety Emerald Spire. Not as good for Scarlet Spire.
Test results for various advanced selections from MN, PRI, and canadian programs. Information on a bunch of named varieties.

On rootstock, they liked the cold hardiness of P.18 but too big for commercial plantings. Tested some other Polish and Bud rootstocks but not B.118. B490, P13 and P14 are all a little larger than MM106 but not as precocious. Said P14 might be good where hardiness was important. None of those are commercially available but scionwood is available from GRIN. I might get some of those to play with. See what can be propagated by hardwood cuttings and then up a stoolbed.