Pulled the card from over winter



1700 pictures from 11/29-3/14/15. Batteries made it all winter. :cool: Deer look in great shape.
My 0.30 acre of brassicas were a hit all winter. Activity slowed about mid-February but I'll take it for a 0.30 acre. But they are still showing up here and there. No mature bucks that I could tell from the pictures but some young ones with the does and fawns which is pretty typical for me outside of the rut.

Brassicas really seem to do really well for me. Imagine 2 acres of this?






Looks like they were still pretty fat and healthy till the beginning of Feb! Good to see. Nice work!
I was up this weekend as well. The deer are hammering what's left of my turnips since all the snow is gone. Even caught my chocolate lab eating some as well. He also ate about two pounds of deer turds. Didn't tell the wife about that one, had to chuckle when he was licking her on the face that evening.
Nice country and you have deer besides!
Nice country and you have deer besides!

There are a few around. :)

Wish there were some more anterled deer around. :(
BJE80 - Those deer look to be in fine shape. Great job on the brassica plot !! Those deer ought to have a good start on the spring / summer growth season. No catching up from being too skinny !!
Looking good Brad. Keep having a year round food source and you will see more and more deer calling your land home.
Looks good. I wish I could keep them year round.
Looks good. I wish I could keep them year round.

I was suprised by this since this was the first year of this happening. Every other year they headed towards to the Ag for winter. If I can get the amount of food plots I want to get here in about two years we might really have something here.
I was suprised by this since this was the first year of this happening. Every other year they headed towards to the Ag for winter. If I can get the amount of food plots I want to get here in about two years we might really have something here.

A lot of it has to do with the lack of deep snow this year. I have plenty of food and thermal cover and in bad winters the deer still winter in a cedar swamp about 1/2 mile away. Going up this weekend to look for sheds. The last time we had a winter with little snow I found lots of sheds in food plots, hope it is the same this year. In your case Brad I would think that with your central location to the ag in your area, good cover and food should draw them in.
A lot of it has to do with the lack of deep snow this year. I have plenty of food and thermal cover and in bad winters the deer still winter in a cedar swamp about 1/2 mile away. Going up this weekend to look for sheds. The last time we had a winter with little snow I found lots of sheds in food plots, hope it is the same this year. In your case Brad I would think that with your central location to the ag in your area, good cover and food should draw them in.

I agree. This was a different winter than the last two for sure.