Pruning Fruit Tree Shoots in Fall


5 year old buck +
Expect this has been asked previously, but I am starting to prepare my orchard for winter and need to install my window screen around the trunks on my young trees. Some of the trees have quite a few shoots/sprouts on the trunk that I would like to prune off but not sure if that is ok to do at this time of year. I typically prune in late winter, as per everything I’ve read, but it doesn’t seem to make any sense to remove the window screen then, prune them all, and then try and re-bury the screen into the snow etc. for whatever is left of snow season. Can I prune these now?
It is OK to prune off unwanted limbs anytime of the year.
Thanks Professor Kent! That is what I thought.
I pruned low shoots last weekend to do exactly what you are wanting to do. Most had no leaves. Guessing deer ate those.
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Is there a way to keep those sprouts from coming back over and over? I get tired of them pushing through my window screens and being a mess in general.
I don't know of a way to permanently stop shoots from growing along the trunks. They appear behind our screens too. Maybe Prof. Kent has an idea??
To piggyback on it better to cut some of those shoots now or is it ok to wait till late winter when I would be doing my normal pruning?
The time to prune is when you have time... There are "better times" like when dormant but lets be real.... Honestly I have yet to have killed a tree with summer pruning.

If you have a limb thats going to break or is diseased its better to take it when you see it than wait till it snaps your tree in half or peels down the whole side of the trunk or spreads the plague.

Always better in the dormant season but far worse to never prune because you dont have time or cant get to them.

I dont think there is any way to stop the tree from sending up shoots, some trees just do that/ more prone... others might be telling you something about the health of the tree... you could try stooling out a few into new trees for fun, if they are above the graft they make excellent scion otherwise nip off. They are a pain when popping up inside the screen which happens a lot. I believe some rootstocks are more known to send out shoots than others.

Silver lining is that Its a good thing when field grafting young trees and your graft fails you will get another shot at choosing the perfect spot to whip graft to on a new up shoot!

Bottom line is we under prune our trees especially when young ... dont be afraid to cut. Back side to this advise is ewwwww my tree is now dead thanks !
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I don't know of a way to permanently stop shoots from growing along the trunks. They appear behind our screens too. Maybe Prof. Kent has an idea??
I think once he tree gets older the bark gets thicker and you have less sprouts like that. Some varieties are more prone to it than others. Same for suckers from the roots, some varieties are more prone to it than others. When you cut them off, cut them as close to the tree as you can.
My issue is on my younger more whip-like trees that sprout leaves right off the main leader they are 1-3 ft off the ground within my window screen..they are a pain to take off and get to… but I know they are using energy/nutrients that need to be going up the tree…
Helpful info. Thank you!
I think certain rootstocks might throw more shoots/suckers than others, some of the dwarfing seem more prone to it than others I've seen.

I carry my pruners on me or the four wheeler most of the time. If I see something I don't like I cut it off, but I do prefer to prune in late winter.
I think once he tree gets older the bark gets thicker and you have less sprouts like that.
That's good news, Prof. Kent. Sliding those screens up & down the trunks gets old.
Think of those shoots as a good bad thing.

At least the tree has a back up plan built in for you. If your young tree's main leader gets bit off or snapped off for some reason. You get a do over,,, they are a pain in the butt and I fight the same fight of lifting up the screen to snip them off and trying to push back down a mangled screen and get dirt back around the base.... For a while it is just what it is, but, like PK says in time it will be less of a problem.

I have been grateful many times over after failed field grafts to see that new sprout sitting there just begging to be re grafted. You get a tiny tree on a bigger established root system. One year behind but 2 years ahead all in in package... or maybe its 2 years behind and 1 year ahead....... I need some caffeine this morning. In the end you will be cutting on that tree till it dies regardless. It is the never ending nightmare of fruit trees that nobody really warned you of.