Protein Feeder


5 year old buck +
What protein feeder are you guys using? I am thinking long term and want quality piece. Getting tired of the old spinner feeder plugging up due to rain and humidity. Thanks!
I have 2 350 lbs boss buck feeders. They work great. The issue I had was not being able to keep them full between visits to my farm. The deer would clean out all of the 350 lbs is less then 20 days. I purchased the spin feeder attachments for these feeders and now I can make it last a lot longer.
I have three that hold one ton of feed each. I don't think they are made anymore, but my guess is most will work. My real reason for responding is to say that an unlimited supply of protein or even corn in a gravity style feeder was NOT a good thing for us. Why? Well, we have lots of plots
and lots of quality forage. Nutrition is not something we lack. What it did for us was make our better bucks lazy and hang tight to feeders which they fed at after dark. Have not fed in several years, did so originally to try to draw deer to the properties and improve nutrition while we stated habitat improvement. Personally, I would not feed for any other reasons.

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