President Trumps Gun Talk Today

Well, me as well. In the past 5 years I have gone to 2 movies, both Star Wars, and as for TV, the wife will turn it on, but to me it nothing more then back ground noise. I will at times look at it, and shake my head to what I think I heard, or saw, but that is about the extent of it. But in the past I have watched movies on HBO, and such.
Unfortunately, my broader church denomination (but not my local congregation) is dominated by liberal politics. When our chief medicine man felt compelled to 'make a statement about Florida', I had to respond.
“Schools exist to nurture the gifts and talents of our children. They’ve become killing floors.”
Ervin Stutzman, Executive Director, Mennonite Church USA Feb 15, 2018

of course, I knew that wasn't true. Killing floors? Like a slaughter house? or a Stephen King novel? But I was shocked when I found out what the school homicide rate is.
"Over all available survey years, the percentage of youth homicides occurring at school remained at less than 3 percent of the total number of youth homicides, and the percentage of youth suicides occurring at school remained at less than 1 percent of the total number of youth suicides."
National Center for Education Statistics, May 2017
"Of all youth homicides, less than 2.6% occur at school, and this percentage has been relatively stable for the past decade."
Centers for Disease Control, 2016 Fact Sheet.


My graph above, and the raw data below:
okay, cut/paste the data table didn't work. Basically compared the US census of aged 5-18 - currently 53,000,000 with school homicide rate from NCES. Examples 2012: 28, 2013: 58, 2014: 22. So, yeah, in the latest 3 yrs on the report, 28, 58, and 22 school homicides out of 53,000,000 students.
School is the safest place to be!
I don't know what all the scuddlebutt is about. The founders were writing the constitution at a time of great corruption. Those times are long gone, and we no longer need to fear the government. Sure, there have been some isolated things the past few years, but let these instances not stop us from just giving it all back to our intellectual betters out east.

Don't get hung up on warrentless wiretapping, detention without due process, NSA super data warehouses, the DOJ running guns to mexican cartels, IRS abuses of the tea party, FBI interference in the election, sales of national security information to foreign governments by the state department, untouchable politicians enriching themselves at the expense of human life, the corruption of the entire justice department, federal land grabs, and the millions of hostile and unvetted bad actors snuck into the county under the guise of refugee resettlement.

All I need to feel safe is a sign that says, "This is a gun-free zone." You can have all my guns, because I trust our political system.