Prayers for Dbltree


5 year old buck +
It sounds like Paul is not doing real well and his family is asking for prayers for him. I like a lot of you on here have been helped by Paul at one time or another. Prayers sent for him.

Hey everyone - just wanted to let everyone know Paul isn't doing so good right now. His wife called and said he's struggling with his breathing, on full morphine, and in and out of it. He isn't responding to much right now, and not sure he'll make it much longer (BUT, we all know the fight in this guy....)

She was asking for prayers - not so much for healing, but for comfort.

Please join me in praying for Paul's comfort and for God's will - and possibly drop a note to him that we can read to him if you desire?

**Perhaps send him an email, but from here on out, possibly don't ask for advice or habitat help, maybe just an encouragement note to him and/or his family....

With a heavy heart.....MT

here's a link to Outreach Outdoors.
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Prayers Sent!
I learned more from reading Paul's posts than I did in my 4 years in college. My career in real estate and selling hunting land is more related to what Paul taught me than what I learned at school as well. Prayers sent, God has a treestand set up on the downwind side of a funnel leading to an LC plot waiting for Paul! God Bless!

We can all share our knowledge we have learned from Paul and pass it on. That will be part of his legacy, and that my friends is something special!
prayers sent
Prayers for comfort and peace. Thank You Paul for all your teachings and to the family for sharing him with us.
Prayers sent, and thoughts of peace to Paul and his family in this trying time.
I learned the ins and outs of rye because of Paul. It was his knowledge that convinced me to try it, and we got our first spray/throw/pray plot this year despite farmer Marv saying it couldn't be done.
Thanks for what you have done Paul. Your legacy lives on.
I just read that he passed on peacefully this AM.
I just want to bump this up above the post I just made on the other thread. This deserves being on top
His time with us was short but he now has eternity to watch over us. Prayers are sent for his family in their time of need.
The world lost a great man....thinking of Paul's family right now.
Paul gave so much and asked for nothing in return. He valued friendships much more than the almighty dollar. Paul lived life the way it was meant to be lived by putting God an family above all else. His positive energy was contagious and inspired so many. He defiantly earned his angel wings. No doubt about it. Rest in peace Paul.
You will never be forgotten