Plot rejuvenation spraying opinions

Derek Reese 29

5 year old buck +
So is like to talk about 2 plots is at my grandparents farm..sprayed with gly and seeded heavily with a clover mix, brassicas and WR in late summer 2023. Was a killer plot that fall. Added some clover by overseeding spring 2024, then mowed in summer 2024. Plot got overtaken with weeds, both grasses and broadleaves. Plot did not perform as well as attractant at all in 2024. Complicating factor here is we only have 1 day to work on this, in mid April (or later in the summer)
Options for the spring:
1). Seed with more clover, spray gly, mow if its high, walk away till adding WR, brassicas in fall with a mow
2). Spray with IMOX and hope there’s enough clover remaining (maybe with a super late addition of clover while praying for rain)
3). Split plot and do half option 1 and half option 2
4). Let it go till fall, nuke with gly and mow to start from scratch as clover, brassica, WR plot

Plot 2 is at my house, contains an aging clover and WR crop that is getting overtaken with weeds and at the bottom side has a good deal of smartweed. Will need to burn off with fire (being more careful this time) the smartweed thatch as it is like a foot deep in places. Complication factor is there are fruit trees in this field that I really don’t want to kill or damage with overspray.
Options for this field
1). Spray with IMOX in late April or so, do an early planting (like late June) of brassicas, clover and WR to get it to recover
2). Spray clethodim to get rid of the grasses, wait a bit to seed clover and maybe oats? then spot spray with imox to get the smartweed
3). Let it all go till fall, spray with IMOX, and or a combo of cleth, 2-4D to get everything outta there before planting clover, brassica, WR

Never used IMOX before but have used gly and cleth to great success.

How long should I wait to seed clover into a field sprayed with IMOX or can I frost seed now and have that “new” clover survive an April/May timeframe IMOX spraying?

Sorry for the long-winded post just trying to get my ducks in a row for the spring!
I vote to spray both with Imox in spring. Timing matters. Make sure the grass and weeds are growing and small/young. The Raptor label is more helpful than the generic branded Imox. (Same active ingredient)

Smart weed comes in later in the season, so can can decide how to deal with it later.
Do something when you have time to do it.

Someone on here had a good thread about 2 years ago. He basically lightly sprayed gly like early april time. About a pint an acre. Kills young annuals and average vigor perennials, but clover came back. I am doing this at camp early may. Just see what it does up there. Might toss in my remaining crimson clover after spraying.

Grasses n weeds too vague. You need to know your enemies. Learning this is next level foodplottin'. Yo could lay down a piece of plywood or two, or just not spray a corner and see the difference.

2,4db can control broadleaves while the clover does ok. The real trick is fight it while its young. Clehodim kills grasses, but you need to make sure what grass if it is grass at all. Folks who insist on nice stands of clover love that 2,4db.

smartweed is a tough critter. I got red aramath issues at home and try to embrace plantain and tolerate crabgrass. I've learned to embrace my weeds at camp. they mine nutrients better than about anything I can plant. They crowd out nastier stuff. I get a mix of golden rod and a similar plant to it. I can klil 95% of them in early august just by knocking them down. Probably 80% if I mow.
Do something when you have time to do it.

Someone on here had a good thread about 2 years ago. He basically lightly sprayed gly like early april time. About a pint an acre. Kills young annuals and average vigor perennials, but clover came back. I am doing this at camp early may. Just see what it does up there. Might toss in my remaining crimson clover after spraying.

Grasses n weeds too vague. You need to know your enemies. Learning this is next level foodplottin'. Yo could lay down a piece of plywood or two, or just not spray a corner and see the difference.

2,4db can control broadleaves while the clover does ok. The real trick is fight it while its young. Clehodim kills grasses, but you need to make sure what grass if it is grass at all. Folks who insist on nice stands of clover love that 2,4db.

smartweed is a tough critter. I got red aramath issues at home and try to embrace plantain and tolerate crabgrass. I've learned to embrace my weeds at camp. they mine nutrients better than about anything I can plant. They crowd out nastier stuff. I get a mix of golden rod and a similar plant to it. I can klil 95% of them in early august just by knocking them down. Probably 80% if I mow.
I know I’ve got some old hay and Timothy, a little Johnson grass, some Carolina horsenettle, smartweed and a little crabgrass and assorted other broadleaf weeds