Picked up my tick mix gear

Didn't see one tick this weekend. Was happy about that. I'm sure they will be out in full force in the coming days with the warm up.
I pick some 10% up today. Do you spray your hat also?
I also didn't see any ticks this past weekend and I was in thick stuff all day. But I'm sure they will be active now or very soon with the warm temps we have. I spray my hat along with my shirts pants socks and my boots. Also make sure you tuck in your pants and shirt. They like to crawl in an upwards direction.
I spray my boots, socks, pants, shirt (and tee shirt) and cap. Make sure all is dry. I actually have two sets of treated clothes....and I use a Marker to identify the tee shirts and socks so that I know the treated from the non treated garments. My wife appreciates it when sorting laundry.

I also spray my tractor platform and seat area.......and spray our golf cart and 4 wheeler floor boards and underside.....to reduce ticks hanging out in those areas. It doesn't take much. I have considered spraying around my shed to keep ticks out of work areas.

THIS same spray on the carpet in your boat will keep biting flies and horseflies at bay. Great use!
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Just picked off my first tick of the year from my wrist. I was planting apple trees in my yard in a t shirt. Since I was only in the short grass of the yard I didn't have on my treated clothes. Guess I should have know better as the deer are always in the yard.
Just picked off my first tick of the year from my wrist. I was planting apple trees in my yard in a t shirt. Since I was only in the short grass of the yard I didn't have on my treated clothes. Guess I should have know better as the deer are always in the yard.

Do that around my place.....and you could have 20 ticks crawling over your bod.
I field tested my home-made mix last night. It worked like a charm. I picked up a few ticks on my pants and watched them for about ten seconds. I just stood still and waited. After those ten seconds they slowed down and rolled off. So pleased to have a working solution now. All in, brother Marv had about 8 on him, and I had a few winners that got onto my shirt that wasn't treated. I found about 10 total. I imagine they'll about quadruple on him today.
I don't know. Something about wearing clothing with a chemical on them strong enough to kill a tick so quickly scares the heck out of me. I understand its dry when you are wearing it but when I'm out working my butt off I sweat like hell. Some of that chemical has to be ingested through the skin.
Chemical that may cause cancer when your in your 80's. Or Lyme's that can ruin your life now,
Chemical that may cause cancer when your in your 80's. Or Lyme's that can ruin your life now,
No good options, Life sucks sometimes
I was a little disappointed today. I picked up a few ticks and waited to see what happened. It was a smaller tick and it was going like hell crawling up my leg. I thought I would see it begin to slow down and fall off the like the day before, but this one didn't seem to be phased at all. It got the fling. That being said, I still didn't have any ticks on me at the end of the day. Just a couple on my knee that had to be flung off. Brother Marv had about a dozen on him and they got up under his shirt and so forth.
Yeah, I'm still a believer. I'll keep at it and figure it out. I fared far better than my brother that's for sure. I was just puzzled why the one today didn't fall like the two from yesterday.
The wife and I were out to the 40 yesterday. We had planned going and I asked her if she wanted her cloths treated. She said no. So we get home and about 15 minutes later I heard the death scream. She had a tick crawling on her. Maybe she should have let me treat her cloths.
I made the mistake of opening and mixing my concentrated permethrin in the kitchen. That stuff has a strong smell that hung around.
No good options, Life sucks sometimes

The advice the local news always gives is to avoid brushy or wooded areas. Guess we all could do that. :confused:
The advice the local news always gives is to avoid brushy or wooded areas. Guess we all could do that. :confused:
o_OFunny how I pick them up in my mowed lawn in town though?!?;)
o_OFunny how I pick them up in my mowed lawn in town though?!?;)

I've been trying to make sure our dog doesn't bring one back and it falls off and then we have a resident population of ticks by our house. That. would. suck.
Doing some searches on permethrin powder this evening. (Bee problem). I remembered some were nervous about using it.

I came across permethrin treated bed sheets that the EPA knows about. Not that I trust them, but if people are sleeping on permethrin it must be pretty safe.
