Picked up my tick mix gear


5 year old buck +
$9.56 out the door for a bottle and enough concentrate to make 160 oz's of tick repellent at tractor supply.
That's funny. I am going to TS to pick up some permethrin in an hour. Going to be doing some more work on an orchard clearing with the chain saw this weekend. Last year I got nailed by one of those lil bastards and had to take the Doxycycline.
I'm spraying my clothes tonight for this weekend. I have a feeling they will be out with warm up coming.
I am going to try some for the first time in a few weeks while turkey hunting. I wear Under Armor type compression clothing under my camo, and I haven't had a tick embedded in over 4 years because they either have to go for the neck up or the hands, and I feel them. I find them crawling on both my camo outerwear and on my under clothing all the time, this year I will try the permethrin, to hopefully keep them off me completely.
I just went thru the same deal Peeps. Had to have the head cut out by Dr. and then 10 days of Doxycycline. Totally useless creature !!:mad:

The Dr. is an outdoorsman and he told me he uses the Permethrin concentrate he got from TS.
I just went thru the same deal Peeps. Had to have the head cut out by Dr. and then 10 days of Doxycycline. Totally useless creature !!:mad:

The Dr. is an outdoorsman and he told me he uses the Permethrin concentrate he got from TS.

I have plenty of Sawyers around yet but care to share the recipe for the next time?
Any premixed brand I've seen is 0.5% perm. Permethrin 10 is 10% concentrate. So one ounce per 20 of water.

The spray bottle I bought is 34 oz so I'll mix 1.5 oz with 27-30 oz water. The concentrate bottle has a measuring cup with ounce and half ounce lines.
I mix about the same. 1 oz in a 16 oz spray bottle so it is just a bit more than .5% I also adjust accordingly and mix up a tank sprayer to treat my house siding for spiders ect. I have watched ticks crawling up my treated pants fall off dead. The one that got me last year was 2 days after we got 10 inches of snow and I mistakenly thought they wouldn't be out yet but it got up into the 60's that day.
Spray it on your clothes only, not your skin. I try to get mine on at least 2 hours before I wear those clothes so it can dry. Preferably 4 or more.
So do you spray it on your cloths only? How far in advance do you put it on? This is what I can get local.

Looks like it could be the same stuff. You'd have to double check the label to see if there is anything else in there. If the rest is "inert ingredients" then you've probably got the exact same thing just a little more concentrated.
Last night I ordered some 13% from Amazon. Using this should help to get my wife out in the woods, she hates ticks and claimed she would help plant trees in the woods if there was something that worked better :). I usually get quite a few ticks on me each year, but mainly on my clothes and rarely bit in. And I only seem to get a deer tick on me every couple years, but not bit in yet. Hope to keep it that way!
BJE80 - I don't know the recipe for mixing yet as I haven't bought it yet. As far as spraying it - my outdoorsman Dr. says he sprays it the day ahead of when he's going in the woods ( clothes only ) so it dries well. He told me it lasts for 5 or 6 washes before having to re-spray. No application on the skin !!!
Just be careful when using it as it a powerful toxin. I have used it and it is highly effective and applied it to clothing wearing a mask, gloves and eye protection.

"Several studies done by a team of Duke University researchers lead by Mohammed Abou-Donia suggest that DEET in conjunction with permethrin-impregnated clothing may be linked to Gulf War Syndrome. The symptoms, which affect thousands of veterans from the first Persian Gulf War, include headaches, fatigue, loss of memory, and chronic muscle and joint pain. The researchers exposed animals to the same doses of DEET and permethrin experienced by the war veterans using the same routes of exposure and found neurological damage that lead to motor deficits and learning and memory dysfunction, like the damage characterized by Gulf War Syndrome. "

"For humans, acute toxicity is fairly low, producing systems mainly of irritation. Permethrin can be irritating to both the eyes and the skin. Occupational exposure to permethrin has caused skin sensations that include itching, burning, and numbness, and irritative symptoms in the eyes and upper respiratory tract. To assess the human tolerance, absorption, and persistence of permethrin when used against human lice, 10 adult volunteers were treated with permethrin head louse solution. Three of them developed mild, patchy erythema, which lasted for a few days. In another study to assess the degree the dermal absorption of permethrin from impregnated clothing, volunteers wore military clothing that had previously been treated with an aqueous suspension of permethrin for 48 hours. Volunteers complained of. Additionally, synthetic pyrethroids have been shown to be respiratory allergens and use of them may result in asthma-like symptoms, especially in children with a history of asthma or allergies. Besides asthma, other allergic respiratory responses to permethrin can include sneezing, asthma, sinusitis, and bronchitis."
And while all of those things suck, it sure beats the crap out of getting bit by one of those ticks carrying that disease in BJE's other post!:eek:
Do you spray just your outer cloths or everything? Boots and hats also?
Do you spray just your outer cloths or everything? Boots and hats also?

Everything. No reason not too. Just make sure its dry before you wear it.
Glad you clarified " noggin " for the close-cutting clipper, Stu. Thought you were still referring to your favorite regions !!!:eek::p
Yeah, we all worry about Stu once in a while. I know I do. I'm glad to see he still has his head screwed on straight!
Funny, I have sprayed my clothes down so there wet, while wearing them and I'm still perfectly normal.
