Picked this up yesterday


5 year old buck +
cultipacker.jpg I didn't need it so i convinced my brother that he did!
That's a beauty mike, check those bearings and make sure they are lubed well and that one will be good for a while. If you don't mind me asking, $$$?
12'. $300 I told my bro he stole it. He thinks he got ripped off.
bigmike, I agree with you rather than your bro
He won't think he got ripped off if he were to cut it into 2- 6'ers or 3-4'ers and sell the others for twice what he paid for the original and keep the left over one for himself. Does that one have the wooden bearings?
It was a steel at that price. I paid 300 for a 10'. cut it and made 2, sold one for 250 kept the other.
This one won't be cut as he owns a cattle farm and needs one that wide. I don't know about the beaings. It does have grease fittings.
That would be a good value in today's world. A good brand too. :) Not enough used cultipackers to satisfy the demand.
Great deal IMO. I'd buy myself another one for that price in that condition and get rid of the one I have.
He got himself a deal. He could part it out and probably double his money.