Persimmon juglone tollerance


5 year old buck +
Anyone have persimmon and walnuts close to each other? How do they tollerate juglone in soil?
None of my persimmons are near walnut trees, but from what I've read, persimmon should not be affected.
My reading is that persimmon, paw paw, and chestnuts are all ok with black walnut. I've planted paw paw and persimmons into an old black walnut orchard with no obvious effects yet.
That's good news.....I planted a dozen along a walnut edge about 3 years ago and they are doing OK but I wasn't really paying attention to all the variables when I stuck them there and I was concerned that may be the issue.

I really think the tubes have hurt I pulled and caged a month ago. Hope they take off.
Hope it's ok to bump an old thread.

I planted a row of butternut along the road a year ago on 20' centers.

Deciding to hedge my bets so that the tree line doesn't look god awful in 20 years (in case they succumb to butternut canker). Planning on putting American Persimmon in between. Curious if anyone else has Persimmon and Juglone together.

Another aside, I have American Persimmon that grew 7-8 feet this year out of tubes. These are well mulched with no weed competition. The persimmon that just get mowed and no mulch only grew 1-2 feet this year. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that nothing matters as much as weed control.
Yep, I have many young persimmons on my place and I am buried in black walnuts. They are thriving