Overseeding an old Alfalfa field after spraying Clethidom - Experiment Update


5 year old buck +
Okay here is my process - got feedback from a bunch of people on the forum and decided to try this experiment. I am sure there will be some success but an really excited to see how this turns out for this fall. I have an old alfalfa field that is still used by deer but has a lot of grass, sometimes baled other times not.

Decided to move forward spraying the field for grass earlier this week with 12 oz cleth/acre, 1 qt crop oil/acre and sticker additive. I know it will take awhile for the grass to appear dead and am prepared for that. The field was cut 3 weeks prior to spraying so the grass has had time to begin growing again and was a manageable height. Not too much thatch, but wanted to open up the surface just a bit before spreading seed.
Before lightly scarifying the surface

So I took my wheel disk and set it to the least aggressive position possible and lightly disked the whole field. Barely scratched the surface of the sod, hopefully enough to get better seed/soil contact.
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In these pics you can see my old trusty equipment and the striations left in the field. This light scarification should provide better opportunity for seed/soil contact.
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Close up of the striation

Last night I broadcast 5lb/acre red clover and 3lb/acre Ptt. Today I will finish broadcasting 4lb/acre radishes and 1 bushel/acre winter rye. I will then run a cultipacker over the field and hope for rain.

More updates later


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Thanks Mo -- I will check -- which seeds do you think will be a problem I assume rye?
The tillage idea looks sound. I don't think you would have any trouble with the clover, radish, or PTT. Maybe the rye?
Mo - thanks for the update on what is recommended. I don't think what i did will fall into disking more of a scarification. Looks like rye could be the biggest concern. Guess this is turning out to be a pretty good experiment. :D I talked with my farmer neighbor (hunter) and he would have done as you recommended originally plow and disk reseed. However, he believes all should be fine as the chemical labels/directions typically are extremely conservative (legal reasons) much like building codes.

Since I am this far and this is not a key food plot that I can afford to take a risk on - i will continue as planned. This maybe something we can all learn from....maybe a bad lesson for me but time will tell. Still think rain will be the key to success in this plot, but as you stated following directions is usually good thing!!:rolleyes: Sometimes I am just not very good at it
The tillage idea looks sound. I don't think you would have any trouble with the clover, radish, or PTT. Maybe the rye?
Foggy -I agree rye will be the biggest concern -- Rye should germinate soon after the next rain if it does not we will have our answer. Rain is forecasted as a possibility as early tomorrow.
I think mo makes some real good points. Grass is tough to kill, and it gives becomes resistant this time of year. We've had some good moisture so it should have rebounded well. I don't know if I would classify what you did as disking though. I'd say u used a disk to slightly disturb the surface.
I wouldn't worry too much about the spray and newly planted seed. It's gonna grow, Id put money on it
Mo that's the nice thing about mixing everything, and seeding into the alfalfa in the first place. It's darn near impossible to have failure. ThAt clover won't hardly do a thing this year, but it will look good by next summer. If the plot isn't up to your liking in the spring, give it some warm season seed. I'm getting to the point where my clover is too thick, because I want to be able to continuously add various seeds.
Great idea using the disk, you will be surprised how that plot is gonna take off. It's looking kinda dry the next week or so. One thing you do need with broadcasting is moisture.
All is good -- I am having fun and if all doesn't go the way I plan (it usually doesn't) I always blame the seed supplier!! LOL In addition, i had a couple helpers today to finish up the work. Always more fun when you have someone along that can laugh at or with you.

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I highly recommend this method for spreading small seed. My wife saved me lots of walking today! Used this method to seed the radishes.
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My trusty little hunting partner put on a lot of miles today being my shadow. Used this set up to seed rye.
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Next step was making the final pass with a cultipacker.

Final step for the day -- Cold beverages, brats, hamburgers and pray that mother nature provides moisture to help germinate the newly seeded field.
PS - the mosquitoes are really bad this year.


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Heavy rains tonight should make this field really come to life over the next couple weeks. It will be fun to watch! I hope the rain tonight is helping everyone as much as it is me!
Update on this experiment - the alfalfa and clover left in plot are doing well. The clethidom appears to be working - it will take a few more weeks to tell for sure. The brassicas are starting to germinate. Hopefully the rain continues - this plot should be okay.

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