Out Hunting-Caught This!

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5' Black Rat Snake Today at my buddy's place.

And what does one do with a 5ft black rat snake. Do you have a new pet John?
It doesn't look dead in that photo.
It doesn't look dead in that photo.

It ain't dead! They catch lots of mice, i let it go in my buddy's shed!
Not something I would have picked up.
I had one of those in my backyard last week. I left him alone to go hide in my wood pile. I don't mind snakes as long as I see them before I step on them. But I hate mice getting into my house.

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Did you shave?
My wife hates snakes and I love having them around to keep the mice issues down. I was out washing the truck one day and a large black snake was stretched out on the side walk sunning itself and the wife walked out and thought it was part of the garden hose and flipped it with her foot. Then it slithered away - she took 2 steps, covered about 30 yards and hit the house and locked the door behind her screaming the whole way! I laughed my ass off. She was pissed at me for it! Not sure what I did. She gets all freaked out when she even hits one on the road in the car. I have a nice size one that lives in a barn of mine and as long as I know he is there we are cool. Every once in a while we surprise each other, but part as friends. My wife would prefer I run him over with the lawn mower! Snakes like these are our friends.
Cool snake John. I was looking at all the snakes indigenous to MO. Holy cow it's quite a list. You ever run into poisonous ones on your hunting grounds?

Not a huge fan of snakes but understand how important they are around my place....perfect large mouth bass food....They love'em. The bigger the better:cool:

Saw a 2' copperhead once on the edge of the field next to the river down here in May 2 years ago. I did not see it until I stepped next to it and then over it. It jumped up about 2' in the air and almost got a hold of my own rat snake. I danced around a bit until I was out of danger, and then beat it to death with a rock. Only one of those I have ever seen. And I don't care to get that close again.:eek:

I do not think Coppeheads are very common down here in Northern Missouri. But you do not want to stick your hand in the wood piles without looking closely!
4' Diamond Back Water Snake met his maker in Missouri this week! Got hit by a car on the gravel road.

I think I'll take my crappy mn deer hunting over dealing with copperheads and others. No thanks!
I think I'll take my crappy mn deer hunting over dealing with copperheads and others. No thanks!

Not me brother! I like my deer situation that much in Missouri!

Besides a Missouri Brown Recluse spider will nail you before a snake anyways! LOL!