One from my farm


I didn't kill him but it was on my farm. My stand set. Mowed Trail through NWSG to a hedge row. Small clover patch, manipulated trail through the hedge row.

So I'm taking 30% credit :)

I had nothing to do with it being Nov 2 and the does on the clover.

Sorry about the bloody pics. We'll get pretty ones later.

He is short bodied, 220 live weight, 184 lbs dressed. 154 2/8 inches.

Remember MoBuck talking about erosion in MO. This is a small ditch we had to winch him across. You could lose a pick up in here. Others you could loose a semi sideways.


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Very nice and great group of pics!
I like the pics as well. CONGRATULATIONS on first bow kill AND on the help getting him.
Nice buck!
Poor guy will be wrecked for life. First bow kill! You could add my first 10 bucks up with a bow and they wouldn't have that many inches :)

Great buck Bill, Congrats to him on his first bow kill.
Congrats to you and your buddy on his first bow kill. And a nice first buck!
That's a great first buck !
Thanks guys.
I think your selling yourself short on 30%! You should be proud of your place producing a nice animal like that. Not saying you should break your arm patting yourself on the back, but it didn't happen all by itself! Anybody that does the type of work we do understands that. Nice deer, real nice deer! Somebody owes you a real nice dinner!!!!!
Congratulations. ..nice one from your farm
I think your selling yourself short on 30%! You should be proud of your place producing a nice animal like that. Not saying you should break your arm patting yourself on the back, but it didn't happen all by itself! Anybody that does the type of work we do understands that. Nice deer, real nice deer! Somebody owes you a real nice dinner!!!!!
Exactly! I least hope he helped plant a few things. Awesome Deer. I will give you 75% of the credit.
thats awesome! congrats to the lucky hunter! i'm pretty sure he owes a beer or 3...or a year's supply!
Ever notice how some deer just seem to die in the most horrible to get to places? I had a buck I lost last year that I found a week later. I had to drag him thru standing water, toss and float him down a stretch of creek and the. Drag his butt up a steep 50 foot bank. I can get to most of my place with my FEL and that really helps but sometimes getting them to it is a real PITA!
very cool Bill!
Did your boy have any luck youth hunting?
Yep some deer go to crazy places to expire. Last year we winched one out of a beaver pond in an old coal strip mine. It took 200 feet of rope.

Here's the Purdy pic and for the record my friend helped plant the miscanthus in the background and several 100's more.

You have my past weekend is your future. I didn't hunt. Just got my son in stands and back. Get up at 4 to make sure the safety harness is on correct. I know I was young once. But damn, I think I might have remembered my binoculars.

Best fun I've had :D. His first time archery hunting. I loved that he hung in the stand on his own. He took this pic of a buck that was 50 yards out while I was eating bacon.

He didn't shoot anything but had a good time. Just texted me that school sucks and he wants to come back.

I told him school is his ticket back.

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Duhh here's the pic

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