Home Farm Hunt ...

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
After my experience in Canada earlier this month, I wasn't all that motivated to go out for our gun opener hear in Wisconsin. Morning was very active all around us with more shooting than i have heard in probably 10 years. Was in a stand where a 8 point with good mass was moving through early morning and later after dark. I had him on camera for 3 years and had over 50 pics of him this fall. Chased all bow season without even seeing him in the daylight.

Decided to try a different stand and had a ground blind that look down at the creek bottom which as was 250 yards away. This area had 40-50 yards of alders, RO, willow, switch grass etc on either side. I had a 1/2 acre long strip in front that I had put clover, brassicas, and WR in. At about 2 pm I got in the blind and was get my bino strap on and I took a quick glance down in the thicket. The sun was shinning and I saw a very big set of antlers above some willows. Did not even have my shooting sticks or gun ready and by the time I did, they were gone. Over the next 2 hours I saw him twice, never got a bead on his body, and 2 other bucks him pushed out as they left the area.

At 4:10 I saw movement at about 210 yards well in the thicket. It was the big 8 I had been chasing. Got my gun up and he stopped and turned my direction, put the cross hairs on his left shoulder and pulled the trigger. He spun with and ran back into the thicket. Well after about 3-4 big gulps of air to settle down, I sat for about 50 minutes and then walked down to the edge of the thicket. I went in about about 30 yards to where I believe he was standing. No sign of blood anywhere. It was real dark with the new moon, and ground was all blackberries, red oak leaves, and goldenrod. Now exactly good tracking stuff. never heard him crash so I backed out and decided to let him set all night.

Next morning I went in around 8 am when sun was up and had good light. Could not find blood so I started doing small circles to see if I could find some. When I was about 25 yards from where I shot, I peered over a big downed oak and saw him. What a great sigh of relief to know I had a good hit on him and he only went about 25 yards. Looks like I took out the top of the heart, but the bullet did not exit. A good kill nonetheless so was very pleased. :emoji_cold_sweat::emoji_relaxed:

He is only an 8 point but these mature deer are so much fun to chase and connect with when things fall into place. Was 17.5" wide and went 198 lbs field dressed. Was at least a 4 year as I have 3 years of pics, but believe he is more likely a 5 year old. He was a smart old buck and new how to stay concealed. My neighbor had been chasing him also and found that my neighbor took 4 shots at him that morning at 7:30 am and missed him 3 weeks earlier bow hunting at 30 yards. I heard those shots and was sure he got this one. Said he was sure he hit but admitted he had not sighted his gun in that fall. More likely both episodes were a case of the yips :emoji_wink:




Nice 8 congratulations!
Very nice. A great year all around for you.
Good Job, Nice story, Congratulations!!!
Congrats! Classic heavy, trophy 8! Mount up that light rack right next to your chocolate thunder, a little salt n pepper!
Nice buck congrats!