Ohio Farm Tours

I absolutely love adding clover to logging roads!

To keep it simple - I’ve done the “clover 1-2. System”

  1. First planting (spring or fall) - I’ll plant our clover/chic/oats. This allows the clovers to get established with a nurse crop of oats that’s balanced in ratio.
  2. That Fall or Spring (depending on when I did step 1) - I over-seed or frost seed our Premium Clover+ into the area where I planted the Clover/Chic/Oats.
I’ve not used any herbicide in the above

Picture and it is clean!!! These are spots that are established on non worked logging roads, but you can also plant using a more traditional planting method or even a no till drill.

Thanks for checking us out! Have a great weekend.

The 1-2 Clover Bundle is available on the website!
15lbs of clover!!
13.5lbs of oats
Free Shipping for under $150!!!

This is great. Can you start a separate thread so we can keep track of sales, new videos, and new products? I don’t think everyone knows your store info is in a land tour thread.

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This is great. Can you start a separate thread so we can keep track of sales, new videos, and new products? I don’t think everyone knows your store info is in a land tour thread.

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First off I want to thank you for the kind words.

I intentionally not started a separate thread on any forums - as I didn’t want to just promote my product. I have been asked to join a few forums just to put some soil health topics up and I’ll keep all Vitalize posts within those but I don’t have any “Vitalize threads” on any forums. I’d be happy to start a thread on it but I want to respect the forum and Admins and most want to try to slow promotional posts.

I do try to add a lot of value and a lot more than just promotional posts and everything I sell is stuff I use on my own farm. I won’t make or sell a product that I won’t use myself.

All that to say, I think for me to feel comfortable starting a separate thread - I’d want to be sure the admin(s) are ok with it, as I am not a guy who likes drama or stepping on anyone’s toes.

Again - sincerely thank you to all who follow, comment and ask questions - it means a lot.
Are you spreading lime this winter/Spring?
One thing I like to do is add our Vitalize Micros - this has humics, Ca, S, and all major micro nutrients (minus iron due to that being high in most soils).

We recommend 22.5 to 45lbs per acre per year but always best to consult a soil test from year to year. More is not better - especially with micros.

Another thing to keep in mind is the dampness of a field. If your spreading lime and the ground is soft, you increase the likelihood of creating compaction. Consider waiting for a cold spell, dry spell or do it first thing in morning when grounds still frozen.

Most importantly - get outside and enjoy the outdoors! Be safe!
Did you know that every bag of Nitroboost and Carbon Load come with our broad spectrum inoculant and humics?!

This is our Seed Armr+ and is used to insure the plants success in N fixation, germination, nutrient uptake, establishment and more.

We provide this because we believe our customers deserve to give their plants the best possible chance at success! That success starts with great quality seed and Seed Armr+!

If you’re not a Nitroboost or Carbon Load customer but still want a broad spectrum inoculant for your beans, peas, etc. checkout our website for more info. IMG_1696.png
One of the best tools (imo)for seeing how your soils are improving…a shovel! After a few years of our system and these soils have drastically improved. You can see this in the color, aggregation, and of course the earth worms!

These are from my garden and a food-plot. We can use the Vitalize System and fertility offerings to not only benefit food plots and wildlife but also our own garden/orchards/etc. for our consumption!!

Get outside - use a shovel and see how you can positively impact your soil, in short order!

Before and after - Nitroboost coated with Seed Armr+ and Seed Feed and Spectrum+Myco.

We use these three powders every time we plant to give our young seedlings the best possibility at success.

Even with a history drought last year in SE Ohio - between using no-till methods, our 1-2 system and sound soil health practices - we saw absolutely stellar food plots

Check us out at Vitalize Seed!

(Note Seed Armr+ comes with Nitroboost and Carbon Load orders). The Seed Feed and Spectrum+Myco are a small investment to coat and cover the seeds with fertility to feed them from the start as well as good bacteria/fungi to aid in strong symbiotic establishment below ground - further helping in plants nutrient uptake from the jump.

I get a lot of questions on our Fish Fert+Humics.

Many are surprised to learn that you only need 2-4oz per gallon of water. Assuming 10-12 gallons of water covers an acre, we can cover 2-3 acres with one jug!

The reason is that this is a jug of Fish Fert+Humics in a concentrate!

Another thing I love about this product is that you get (in organic forms) NPK, micros, and humic. These act as food sources for both plants and microbes.

Our Fish Fert+Humics will have amino acids and proteins that can be nutrient sources for microbes and plants.

Our goal with this product is to prime the biological soil pump to further drive nutrient cycling! You can spray at pre-plant, at planting, post-plant, etc. IMG_1715.jpeg

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