Ohio Farm Tours

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Around 2 years ago we did a clear cut and cleared a Vitalize Seed Foodplot. It has paid off many times over already. The clear cut does need some clean up but the amount of native browse it is promoting and diversity in species is phenomenal!! Here is just a small section where the blackberry regen has been fantastic!

Give them all they want, and then some!

Create more food, plant more food, or shoot more does - sometimes all three.

Did you know that we partnered with @wardlabs ? Now is a great time to get ready for Spring planting and order your soil tests!

These tests are a slight bit more than some cheaper options but the proof is in the details. You get your macro,micros, ph,OM, saturations, etc.

Soil testing is critical to a growers success be it foodplots, farm fields, gardens, lawns, etc.

Quick tips for testing:
Same depth
Same location (gps)
Same time of year

Check them out at VitalizeSeed.com
Repost of video that many found useful! Might help with this Springs plans!


Here is a bit on how we setup this part of farm to harvest this buck and several other deer. Hope this helps at least one person.
So proud of my buddy -Brian! He helps me manage farm and has had several close calls this year he killed this buck and the cherry on top was confirming it was 4.5 years old!

Exclusion fences are so critical to measure browse!

This can be a great tool to understand how attractive the plots are, what the deer numbers are in the area, and what is the lowest hole in the bucket on your farm.

Often we need to plant more food, shoot more does or sometimes both!

I saw this the other day and had to dig and share -for those interested!

In today’s day and age - we must dive into the data and not fall for the “click bait” - if we do we are doomed to become less educated.

We have the greatest library of information at our fingertips - far greater than any humans before.

Read, question, research, repeat - dont fall victim to click bait!

Stay safe!

Deer continue to feed on our Carbon Load!

On some of my newer and poorer quality soils - I plan to frost seed the new Vitalize annual clover mix soon. I will then come in and drill/broadcast our NitroBoost around Mid-May.

Come mid-August - we will load up the drill again with Carbon Load and start the cycle over!! Always feeding the deer, and the soil!

Bundle and save!

Every year we’d get asked the same questions about “where do I start”, “what’s a good fertility program”, etc.

In response to these questions we’ve created bundles where you can select your needs, and get it all with a few clicks.

We appreciate you all!
Had a great friend and customer share this with us today.

The benefit of diversity and balanced crop rotations - proof is in the pudding!

I’ve been planting stuff for a long time - yet every warm winter day, as the snow melts, I get the same excited feeling when watching the cameras! I just love to watch deer pile into the still green Carbon Load fields.

As you can see in the last picture - the deer are enjoying the greens! 🥬

Everywhere that is planted in Carbon Load continues to feed deer and soil - 12 months out of the year!!

What can we accomplish with Vitalize’s mixes? A lot!

Here at Vitalize we live by what we preach. This field is an old logging deck that has had nothing but lime applied, and the 1-2 system for several years now.

As you can see - we are making a lot of great things happen here, all with a balance of plants.

Nitroboost planting is around the corner.

Some of the key components to our Nitroboost are not just the great food production and N fixation that occurs - as we can see in pic 1. It is also the below/above ground biomass (see in pic 2).

This will not only have a fantastic impact on microbes below ground - it’ll also positively impact our fall carbon load planting by being a slow release fertilizer!!

Biomass is key to fixing soils!