Ohio Farm Tours

IMG_8636.jpegIMG_8640.jpegUpdate on the Vitalize Tomato patch. We never stop testing!!

100 plants (give or take)
NITROBOOST AND CARBON LOAD - seeded between rows
No synthetic inputs
VITALIZE Micros added last winter
Vitalize Fish+Humics sprayed every 10-14 days
Mow, seed, mow seed - inter crop rows

Absolutely tickled with results. The legumes are fixing N. The radish and sorghum are mining nutrients and all of them are working to simulate biology in the soil.

Imagine if this was a deer plot - it would absolutely be highly attractive!!
IMG_8651.jpegIMG_8650.jpegIMG_8649.jpegI did a test on our Carbon Load mix in pure play sand I got from The Home Depot. This wasn’t regularly irrigated but we did catch a few timely rains.

Over a few weeks - this was the results. As you can see the plants have a desire to succeed and find nutrients - even in almost 0 organic matter. These plants roots and photosynthetic engine allows for the plants survive in the harshest of conditions.

I am certain had I foliar fed this - the results would have further been stellar. Not to mention that in a true light soil environment the organic matter, microbial biomass, and pure area for roots to find water - deep down- is far greater than a blank pot full of play sand.

Let biology work for you!!
IMG_8955.jpegIMG_8956.jpegIMG_8958.jpegAs the sun has risen on a new deer season- I stayed in with Bryce - while Uncle Zack, went out with the goal of doe management. Bryce was so excited when we got the text at 8am we needed to go track!

Sharing our passion with Bryce is just amazing. You can’t wipe the smiles off any of our faces!

Congratulations @bromechkee!!
Well my wife and I are expecting our second baby (girl) in October or Early November. With knowing that for the last 8 months, I knew I’d need to hunt early and often.

As season neared - I remembered several bucks daylighting on the farm early season, last year, and felt like there could be a great chance of connecting.

The drought this year, really impacted the plots. Specifically this new field (recently cleared). Because of this, I decided to re-drill this field about 3 weeks ago- just in the hopes of getting some growth and moisture. Well it worked and all the seed started to pop!!

As my vacation time was nearing - I was monitoring the cameras, and this buck day-lighted Thursday before opener. However, I really needed a NE or S wind to kill this deer - if he was to daylight again. I was feeling good that deer would be in plots with all the rain, and the plots popping. I’ve noticed this numerous times in the past - they cannot resist the fresh growth.

With the all day rains and the break in the rain Sunday evening - everything felt right and I had a NE wind. I headed to the blind and waited. At one point, I watched a couple does and a couple small bucks enter the field. I was going to shoot the doe- and even got to full draw - only to have a squirrel jump on the roof of the blind and spook her out of range!! lol! I guess that wasn’t meant to be and I took that as a sign, that something better was going to come.

As the night went on- I found myself looking through my phone and finding pics of Dozer from 2022 just a few hundred yards from where I saw that evening. As the sun began to set- I figured my hunt was over, only to look up and at the other end of the field see a large bodied deer step out. I grabbed my binos and as soon I put them on him, I about threw them back into my seat and grabbed the bow.

It was getting dark inside the blind - although shooting light was still plenty to be had. He came in facing me and the turned and qtr away at 18 yards. I drew back and realized I couldn’t focus on my peep. I came off the bow string, told myself to slow down, I allowed my eyes to re-adjust through the peep, settled pin again, and let it rip!!

As the arrow flew - I heard thuuummpp! Sounded like a hallowed pumpkin and he ran out for there like a scalded cat! I couldn’t believe it just freaking happened. I texted my wife and cousin saying “I just shot a freaking giant!”.

The nerves and shakes then set in and I needed to calm myself down. I got down- found the arrow and felt really confident. Arrow was soaked in blood, albeit a little dark, but plenty of bubbles on the fletchings. I figured the deer must have been qtr away harder than I realized and I got liver and lungs. I am never truly confident until I have him in my hands.

As my cousin and I met back at the house, we called a few friends and shared pictures of the arrow. Everyone said the same thing - “that deer is cooked”. I still wanted to give him plenty of time, but then out of nowhere - a large rain front was headed our way. It had been about 1.5 hours since the shot, so we decided to go look for him

As we got to the arrow - we struggled to find blood. As we neared where he ran, my cousin said the words we all love to hear “I got blood, and good blood”. As I got closer to him - I too could see the blood, it was steady and heavy - loaded with bubbles and some darker liver blood.

We took the trail slow, never losing blood, and within 100 yards from where he ran out of the field - I yelled to my cousin “holy cow, there he is!” The hugs and handshakes began and so did a look to the stars to thank God and Grandpap (I know he was smiling down!).

I started getting pictures of this deer back in 2022 (that’s when my buddy said - damn he looks like a d8 dozer blade). I believe he was 4 then. I’ll send his jaw in so I can see what he really ages at.

I’m so happy to wrap my tag around this deer.

Dozer - thanks for the years of pictures, excitement and ride.

Off to the next one!! Hunt hard and safe yall! Thanks for reading.
IMG_4083.jpegIMG_8616.jpegDozer in 2022.
IMG_0907.jpegIMG_9066.jpegMost importantly a great tradition with my boy -
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IMG_9302.jpegIMG_9299.jpegIMG_9297.jpegI might be tagged out on a buck but that doesn’t mean the work stops. This small plot was sprayed and broadcasted with our Carbon Load. It was struggling due to drought so I sprayed it with our Fish Fert+humics.

As you can see the growth took off from there!!

The trap is set - does are in trouble!!! And hopefully a mature buck will show here and I can get my cousin on him!!

Nothing like Ohio deer season!!!
Great deer, and a nice write up! And congratulations on your new little one soon to come!. Great job getting it done early so you can help the Misses.

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Great deer, and a nice write up! And congratulations on your new little one soon to come!. Great job getting it done early so you can help the Misses.

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Thank you!! She loves when I shoot my buck early!!