Ohio Farm Tours

Nutrient cycling and thatch creation!

Huge thanks to all the customers, supporters and friends so far this year.

I have put in 20 acres of plots this fall alone. I have used everything from the tractor to a sprayer and bag spreader.

That puts me at over 40 acres this year planted in Vitalize Seed. I learn more with every acre, and method. I look forward to continuing to share pictures and videos in hopes of helping you all - no matter how much or little equipment you have to access.

We will continue to work tirelessly for our customers.

If you all do like our posts and page - please do us a favor and share, like and subscribe.

Really helps us to grow.

Still time to get seeds in ground and checkout our website for new products as well.

Stay safe and well this planting season.

Let’s talk fungi !

What do we need on soil tests? Here is a start.

How to get more accurate sample results

Law of the minimum

New products - here is the data!!

Let’s talk PH and foliar sprays

We’ve been speaking of our new products Seed Armr+ and Seed Feed.

Here is a prime example of how they can help a field and plants get off to a great start with fantastic foot establishment.

1. This is a brand new field. We did have timely rains and we drilled it with a no till drill. Those are the positives.
2. This field is only a 4.8 ph and this is a first planting. It had a dozer on it just a few months ago. This fields on top of a ridge and the base saturations are way out of whack- which is hurting the structure and water infiltration. As this is a first time planting - we need time to build up the biological structure as well.
3. We added a little lime at time of planting and drilled our carbon load in 2 weeks ago, only!

This field is off to the races!!! Solid roots and germ has been fantastic. A small amount of product on a seed, can do absolute wonders. Couple this with great quality, fresh seed and the one two system - I can’t wait to see this field in 2-3 years.

At just under 3 weeks - I am extremely happy with our fall carbon load plots.

All but one field (new field that was cleared) are following our NitroBoost crop. As you can see with timely rains, Nitrobbost feeding the soil, and Seed Armr+ and Seed feed (seed inoculants) we have 15+ acres of plants that are using biology to grow and absolutely ready to take off.

We have not used any fertilizers other than the seed inoculants listed above on these fields.

Our only costs have been in seed and fuel. With this 1-2 system we are maximizing our outputs, reducing inputs and able to put the saved fert dollars towards more food on the farm!!

Sometimes people worry about grains in mixes maturing too quickly compared to the other items in the mix.

This can occur if and when the mixes are very heavy on the grain. When a mix is well balanced, deer will keep the grains trimmed. This will allow the brassicas to take root and produce amazing tonnage and allow the legumes in the mix to fix N.

All of this occurs, while we feed deer and soil. We reduce our trips across the field by not needing to plant two or three times and we maximize our below and above ground biomass both in plant tissue and biological activity.

As you see here, this doe is snacking on a nice grain. Trimming it back down, only for it to grow again.

Always keep in mind
Size of plot
Deer density
Soil fertility
Neighborhood dynamics

One good metric for deer herd health is to monitor fawn weights.

When a fawn reaches 70lbs in the first year - they can be bred. This results in exponential herd growth (in the Midwest - this is often into December).

This must be monitored as we need to ensure we have adequate natural browse and supplemental foodplots to ensure plenty of food.

As @msudeerlab studies have shown on epigenetic triggers, as we increase available nutrition - we increase the genetic potential probability to be maximized over multiple generations.

I am very happy to see this fawn is off to a great start on our Ohio farm.
Despite the current drought - we caught rains early and our seeds got started.

Thankfully due to our no till practices and planting enough food, our plots continue to grow well.

With using our 1-2 system we are maximizing food on the landscape. We are feeding the soil and the deer. We are able to plant more food and heavily reduce our input costs.

These three images have zero inputs this year other than seed! 4444BCDD-D40F-4FEE-87F7-87952EEE5C6C.jpegE8FED479-1191-4354-B187-E20A82514AEB.jpeg9643DBBD-5815-41F1-98F8-94AC9DB24DDB.jpeg
new product review

For those who like to garden you might enjoy.

Might be worth considering
