Nursing in pots before transplant

MN guy

Yearling... With promise
How long have any of you kept apple trees potted/in home nursery before transplanting? How long is too long? I am planning to keep a few in pots in the yard.
I wouldnt do multiple years. Put them in a pot in the spring, plant them in the laste summer or fall. IF buying grafted trees, try to ask for the runt of the litter. Or, plant the bigger ones now, and plant others later.

Sooner in the permanent home, the better.

Did 10 rootstocks last year. Grafted them in the spring, let them go throught the majority of the summer, and then plant them soon afterwards.
I put my grafts into pots in early spring and baby them all summer and then plant into their permanent location in late October or November. No experience going longer than that.
How big are the trees you're potting? Are these rootstocks you're grafting to?
I’m more talking about putting seedlings in pots so I can nurse them for a season or two in the yard before putting them in the woods…
I typically graft and pot trees in the spring and transplant later that fall when they are dormant. Last year we had a drought that slowed down the growth (and the soil was dry in the fall), so I didn't plant them in the fall like usual. I kept them potted over the winter and I'll plant them this fall. I'm hoping they will be in the 4-5 foot range at that point.
Nuseries drown their potted trres in mulch for the winter. Need to protect roots if you go past a season. Or in my casr plsnting after hunting season in december.

Planted barerrots december 2022 and put air pruner pots in ground decrmbet 2023. See jow they do. Not much dnoe here in ny. Think snow helps xut doen onbfreeze thaw cycles snd helps keep roots moist.

Doing 26 this year. 10 m111s 10 anty a few grafted trees and a mulberry or two. Maybe 1 tulip poplar.
They can go for years,..... especially if the bottoms of the pots have openings for deeper roots to push out and down.

I was planting my grafted trees into pots, putting them in racks and babied them till fall, heel them in for winter. After that I pulled them when I had a spot or liked how big they got. I have trees that have been in larger pots for over 4 years - they are a pain to dig out, but they do fine once transferred to their forever spots. I would say 2-3 years is optimal for me 2 is best. Some come out the first spring others stay for a couple years and some have stayed much longer.

One reason they may stay longer is a failed grafted root stock that got regrafted ... or the fact that I got carried away with to many trees and or I ran out of time in the spring which is my preferred time to plant. Nice thing about potted trees is I could if I wanted to pull them anytime of the year and plant them over just having bareroot trees to pull spring and late fall.

They can get root bound - sometimes I have to rake out and or trim root systems. Its a give and take with the convenience of the protection and ease of care with the nursery and the problem of when to plant them. You kind of get lazy with a nursery sometimes because its too easy till its not - if that makes sense.
I’m using route pouches instead of plastic pots. I’m hoping this keeps the roots healthier. I have started using the taller skinnier ones, because most trees I plant have taproots. My plan is to plant the whole roof pouch. I did get the ones that break down the easiest, and I will make cuts in both sides in the bottom at planting. This should save a ton of time trying to pull the trees out of Pots

I did get over Zealous this past fall, and have way more trees than I will be able to plant this fall. So I will definitely have some that stay in Potts at my house for over a year. Early I was planning the acorns and 1 gallon root pouches, but I have switched to 3 gallon.