Root Maker pots and Grafting


5 year old buck +
I got 26 root maker pots waiting for their rootstocks. I usually plant the rootstock and graft, then put it in the window right away until it can go outside. Should I put them in the window right away, or wait a week or two for the graft union, then put them in the window?

I'm also putting (2) 3ft trees in root maker pots from a tree order. Friend of mine is redoing his yard and will plant them in august or maybe early june if the yard is done quick enough. Any special advice there as well? Maybe let them wait some too before the window?
If you are asking about bench grafted rootstock, after Bench grafting my rootstock I put them in damp sawdust in a bucket in a dark corner of my garage for about 2 weeks. About then some of them are starting to break buds and I then plant them in my root maker pots for the summer. I transplant them in November from the pots to their final location In the ground.
Garage have any heat, attached to house?

25 deg nights ok?

My basement has low 50's in a corner.
Your basement would be perfect. My garage is detached and unheated. It has been a bit warm some years but I don’t think it ever got cold enough to freeze inside the garage when I have had my grafts in there. It is usually late march or early April. If I thought they might really freeze I would probably move them to my basement for the night. I have never babied them and they always do fine.