Nu wave stove pipe

Angus 1895

5 year old buck +
Hello I am getting ready to put the tin on the roof of my hunt blind.

Where would I find the stove pipe and roof flashing/ sealing components?


It’s 3 inch pipe


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Hello I am getting ready to put the tin on the roof of my hunt blind.

Where would I find the stove pipe and roof flashing/ sealing components?


It’s 3 inch pipe
I picked mine up at menards.
Ace hardware, western auto, yellow front,
Run insulated pipe thru your roof unless your only going to have bare tin even then maybe at least one section of insulated to keep the tin from heating up a burning your blind down
NuWay sells a kit.....which I used to run my stove pipe thru the roof. The kit features a tin roof plate that allows clearance for the 3" well as a screen for birds and a damper. I think I drilled a 5 or 6" hole thru the fiberglass roof of my Redneck blind. I used some decent sealant around the perimeter of that tin flashing.....and placed screws at about a 2" spacing around the perimiter. No leaks.

Check out the "kit" on their website. You can buy those items locally at any good hardware store or big box.
I ordered the kit!

I ordered the kit!

Good on the kit. The 3" pipe will be centered by the roof Jack part.....but I also used a little course steel wool to keep the stove pipe from rattling on a windy day or with movement in the blind. I just stuffed the steel wool between the pipe and the roof jack. Maybe only 1/8" gap but it made a tin noise at times for me. The rain cap(s) keep water from penetrating the blind.
I look foreword to not enduring the 90 plus degree temperatures the last two weeks and turning on the heater!