Now here's a rock picker!

Jim Timber

5 year old buck +


Somebody buy one so I can borrow it. :p
You think your tractor is big enough to handle it?
Probably not, but the chances of someone producing one for me to use are high enough that it's a moot point. :D
Looks like they are mining rocks in a gravel pit. Yikes.
I could use one also.
I wonder what the life expectancy is of that piece of equipment? It looks like it take a ton of abuse.
I'm curious about the uptake rakers life as well. With the boulders it ate up in the last part of the video, that's gotta be some stressed steel.

The bearings are probably all readily replaceable like the pillow block shown by the hopper. A couple hundred bucks a year in bearings would be a small price to pay for the time savings of that sucker vacuuming the field clean every spring.
Here is a self propelled rock picker, when they first came out with this I think it was around $100 an acre and a minimum of a couple 100 acres. They have made some changes from 10 years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if it costs more now with a bigger acreage requirement.
putting highschoolers and amish kids out work is all that is :D
I wish I had someone who used one of those to dump their rock in my swamp for me. :D
Holy Moly that is a lot of rocks! Not something we have around here, well we do in places, just nobody loony enough to farm those few areas!
Honestly, if I tried farming, my ground would look like that in under 2 years. When I buried my cat I had 9" of rock out of a 30" deep hole.

There's probably 50 acres worth of full 4' tall wire mesh rock baskets in my county up north.
I can't compete with the monster picker above, but my Haybuster does a pretty good job!

I consider rock picking controlled demolition. While picking, I just wait for what will break next, and keep the tools close by!
