Notes from Monticello Public Input Meeting


bat man

Leslie said they will be increasing hunter satisfaction surveys. Looking at a 3 year schedule vs 10 year schedule.

They plan to add more matricees (inputs) but it is a work in process.

I got my 2 minutes and told everybody where the deer went. In the modeled zones for last nights meeting, the numbers presented in the stakeholder proceedings of 2007 were magic erasered an average of 47% lower. I let everybody know the percentage goals mean virtually nothing when our DNR can go back in time and change the number the percents are applied to. I explained that when asked, the DNR has supreme confidence in the model, but in 2008 they adjusted the models estimates down 47% for these zones.

I asked the DNR how they could have confidence in a model that showed the herd up 20% in the areas highlighted last night, when 88% of the hunters, and 80% of the landowners surveyed disagreed with the herd growing at all.

It appears that we will be adjusting percents and goals by working off of actual numbers this go around. A change from how they did it with WATD.

I asked Steve Merchant to save me a couple spots on his golf calendar. I learned he does not golf.

I refused to give my golf pencil back, even when asked a second time to turn it in.

I asked Leslie for her moms phone number so I could call her and see if she would call Leslie once a week and say she is doing a good job.

I challenged Dennis Quarberg to a series of public debates. He is leaving for Hawaii tomorrow so he could not accept.

The above 4 items are all true, but were all in good fun.
THANK YOU Batman for taking them to task on everyones behalf!!!!
Sweet, thanks for the update and the work Batman. I didn't know what to think of your fun jabs at first!
Who was there from the DNR and MDHA? Any other deer hunter groups?

We had these public input meetings last fall.... was this any different? Did Quarberg make a complete ass of himself again?
Who was there from the DNR and MDHA? Any other deer hunter groups?

We had these public input meetings last fall.... was this any different? Did Quarberg make a complete ass of himself again?

Quarberg did not speak. Merchant, and Leslie and other peeps from DNR I did not know, who knew my name and said hey.
Brooks-Please bring some suggestions for other stakeholder in put meetings to the Rice Sportsmen's club meeting for tomorrow night.

I hope to be there.
Are these meetings recorded and put on You Tube?
They may be recorded but no youtube action.
Vermont has deer herd management meetings every year required by law. They are recorded and on You Tube.
Very good video.... MN could learn a lot from other states.

I'm not even sure what those last four statements mean or who those people are. But I do think you and I have a similar slightly sarcastic, slightly confrontational way of getting things done in a meeting. If we ever do cross paths, I'm buying you a beer.

I'm not even sure what those last four statements mean or who those people are. But I do think you and I have a similar slightly sarcastic, slightly confrontational way of getting things done in a meeting. If we ever do cross paths, I'm buying you a beer.

Roger that. My wife says I often make myself laugh. She would be correct.