Nocturnal 10 PT.

MA VT Flatlander

5 year old buck +
I have been hunting this buck since our bow season has opened October 16. Nov. 4th he showed up in my food plot in the last few min. of shooting light. I missed him clean.

He showed up in my orchard Nov 15th, by the time he got in bow range 20yd. it was too dark to shoot. Have not seen him since.

He mostly nocturnal I have 100 of night time pictures of this buck since mid July.

Here he is eating Enterprise apples Nov 6th the day after I missed him.WGI_0045.JPG
I like him. He's a bruiser for sure. Just my opinion, but better luck next year! I call those deer almost unkillable.
You need to get him bedding just a little closer. In my opinion he is nocturnal at your food plot or where ever you get pics of him. I had this 9 to 10 year old buck that I would get on camera every night. Deer was nocturnal at my place through August, but I could go a half mile down the road and see him in the neighbors Alfalfa field in the evenings. Once October came around and the bachelor groups broke up he started bedding alot closer to my stand and I had several chances to kill him.
Don't give up hope to get him. My son shot a big bull 9-point 3 years ago that I saw several times during the fall in daylight. He was the big dog in the area. This was not at my camp. He disappeared for several weeks and then in rifle season, the buck was making the rounds checking and working his scrape line at mid-day. My son took him with 1 shot at 25 yds. from a tree stand in VERY thick brush at 12:30. We thought him to be nocturnal and not killable, but before the secondary rut, nature was pushing him to " make the rounds ". I killed my biggest 10 pt. on the last day of the rifle season at 12:45 P.M. while he was following a line of does right after a snow/sleet storm ended and the sun came out. He too, was sniffing around for some secondary rut action. He's a shoulder mount on the wall over my right shoulder as I type this.

I'd be watching the thickest cover, or funnels between more open areas where does are known to travel or hang out. He may just show up looking around for some late " action ". Hang in there !! He's worth the wait.