Given our camp's frugal nature, I don't see a drill in our near future unless one of us hits a lottery.
For our min-till / no-tilling, I think we'll be doing T&M. Our plots have been satisfactory without drilling. We aren't going for the cover of "Food Plotters Monthly" !!! I was under the impression that for good plot success, in some situations - a drill was almost necessary. Broadcasting seed over top of existing thatch (whatever type) was the situation I THOUGHT would be better done with a drill - as opposed to broadcasting. Maybe it's not that hyper-critical. We do pack after seeding to get better seed/soil contact, and that probably knocks seeds down through the thatch that haven't already hit the soil. OPINIONS WELCOME!!!
I guess I drew the wrong conclusion on smaller seeds not working well in a drill. Wild Thing's post above showed they DO WORK well. No doubt - as shown in his pic.