No Cold!


5 year old buck +
My trees are between 1/2" green and tight cluster. Had to spray this AM, so I took a look at the weather station on line to see if there was any rain in sight. So I also looked at the 10 day forecast and it looks like we have nothing cold coming! 37 for the coldest. Fruit set should be good and no frost! First time in 3-4 years we haven't had to worry. What are you guys looking at for weather.
I still have my first attempts at grafting in the garage.

We had frost yesterday morning and it is snowing in the northeast part of Mn.
Frost threat is gone ........ or at least I hope like heck it is! Generally May 15th is our last frost date, and there is no indication of anything below 40 for lows in the forcast.
We have chance of 34 to 36 and I think I will bring my grafts in for that low of a temp just to be sure I will be spraying this week also George but only Captan at this point. That's correct right ? Imidan is a bit later maybe in a few weeks is what I figured. I haven't gotten any of the tools to determine best time for spraying suet and will do the 2 week to 16 day frequency based on the rain. We were at half inch green and green tip end of lat week so it's time to spray and we have had a lot of wind so lots of things in the air being transported
Aero, sent you a pm.

NH, ya, what Stu said.

Stu, have you got any green showing yet?
Aero we really opened up a lot in the last 5-6 days, I'd have to imagine you are way ahead of me, When did you go up to the camp last? I'd be surprised if you are not between tight cluster and pink.
Aero we really opened up a lot in the last 5-6 days, I'd have to imagine you are way ahead of me, When did you go up to the camp last? I'd be surprised if you are not between tight cluster and pink.

I just came back last Thursday so I don't think we moved that far ahead. I will be going up tomorrow and get a captan and Sovran spray in
You may not need Sovran unless there was a release of scab spores 24-48 hours before you spray. It has a kickback activity and will kill off any possible infection if you were late getting the trees covered.The key is to cover before the rain. Scab spores are released on a rain, once the spores are mature. I sent you another PM on finding out when you may have infection periods.
I may have had that. We had rain few days ago. I will do it to be sure. Thanks George
Take some pics tomorrow and post 'em!
Tonight is our last chance of frost for the next 10 days. Last frost last year was June 3 so I am sure we will have more. Our trees have not showed any life yet. Other than willows everything is still sleeping.
Remember frost is not the only thing that effects production, temps are critical. Scroll down for the chart on critical temps on this link.
Will do George. Thanks for your help
its gonna be 31 here tonight.....:(
a couple of the trees ive planted this sprig have leavrs most havent broke bud so i should be good right?
31 is not a critical temp for bud damage. If it stays above 28 you should be good. We have the same issue here tonight in Northeast PA
a couple of the trees ive planted this sprig have leavrs most havent broke bud so i should be good right?
Buckvelvet, when you should have no problems with your newly planted trees. I've had it down much colder than that on newly planted trees.
Let's see how this comes out, these are your critical temps for injury to fruit buds...
Bud Stage
Silver Tip

Green Tip

Half-inch Green

Tight Cluster

First Pink

Full Pink

First Bloom

Full Bloom

Post Bloom

Ave. temp. for 10% kill2









Ave. temp. for 90% kill2









How about with newly grafted trees?

Oh well, didn't come out the way I wanted, but as an example; at full bloom if temps get down to 28 degrees you will loose 10% of possible fruit, and at 25 you will loose 90%.