Next best alternative to Craig Harper's Cocktail for hack & squirt?


5 year old buck +
Being in NY, I can't purchase Triclopyr 3, so I can't make the popular "cocktail".

I'd like to open up a zig zag "river of sunlight" through a very dense, yet not terribly old/tall parcel of trees.

So I'm looking for suggestions of what would be the next best option for me? The majority of the trees are maples, with some beech and birch being the next most common, the probably a smattering of who knows what. If available time and funds were different, I'd cut it and remove it, or even have it mulched, but the realities are what they are.
Tordon will work.
Remedy 25% Deisel 75%

That’s triclopyr.
yes, it is

But a viable alternative to the Harper cocktail as his also has arsenal in the mix

Remedy has Triclopyr butoxyethyl ester. Using the highly scientific method of putting some in my Amazon shopping card, it SEEMS to be letting me order it.
Triclopyr 3 (Triclopyr Amine) is says right off the bat they can't ship it.

This doc refers to it as Garlon 4:
" Tricloplyr BEE (Garlon 4) is applied from October – March. 2, 4-D is also used but applied March-May. Ten to thirty percent of broadcast applications in forestry may require the use of these chemicals."

I THOUGHT Garlon 4 was Triclopyr 4. (which I already have some of)

This doc refers to it as that.
But it also says you can't use Triclopyr 4 for hack and squirt.

(but can be used with oil for basal bark applications, or with water for folial applications, which confuses me why it would work both ways, but NOT for H&S mixed either way??)
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I have only used remedy /diesel for basal spray

it is quick and lethal on locusts , elm, Sweetgum seedlings

Mix it in 4 gal back pack sprayer and go ghostbuster on the little bastards

These are big bastards. lol

10-30 year old trees.
I'm finally going to be able to get up to do some in a couple days. AND of course, it's supposed to rain.
So I'm not going to bother trying to work on my trail of sunlight. But I am going to try something on a few trees on a natural micro food plot I'd like to expand. But the whole world says don't hack and squirt when rain is coming. So what I AM going to do, is some "drill and fill". Straight glyphosate and a dash of Imazapyr. I figure the holes will hold the stuff and not wash out as easily like a hack would. Plus going full strength, a little water mixing with it won't hurt any. All I have to lose is a little time. I won't get back to it for another month at least, and with my luck it will be raining then too.
These are big bastards. lol

10-30 year old trees.

I have killed trees up to 40" in diameter with a 1:3 ratio mix of Garlon4 (with Triclopyr) and diesel. Garlon4's main ingredient is Triclopyr. Used a dish soap bottle to spread around base of tree.