Newly planted nwsg just emerging



I have various circles planted at the base of my trees around the house. The spring planted big blue and Indian is just emerging.
I'm finding out this stuff is so much different than anything else I've planted. It's so easy to write it off but it is really resilient.
I've got what I believe to be my NWSG coming up in my plot as well! about .5-2 inches tall. Unfortunaltey I've got lots of boradleaves, so I've gotta get those sprayed pretty soon. I'm going to broadcast my forbs in the fall.
I've got weeds growing in my switchgrass that recently came up that I frost seeded in march. What do they say to spray on that stuff, I think it needs it.
I wrote up a long trial I have on one of my nwsg stands in the most recent nwsg thread from a couple weeks ago. Check that out, this stuff will find a way to grow!
I've got weeds growing in my switchgrass that recently came up that I frost seeded in march. What do they say to spray on that stuff, I think it needs it.
Broad leaves you can spray 24D
If it's just grasses - spray 2-4D will kill most of the broadleaves. That's what I did. I cared for my the establishment year and after that I just let mother nature do her thing. I have lots of "forbs" broadleaf weeds like ragweed and the like mixed into my grasses now. The switch will grow and compete well - I am in my second full growing season and I am starting to see some of the big-blue and indiana grass now as well. My switch is actually developing seed heads already.
This was my first time planting switch and want to make sure this is it coming up, is this switchgrass? Will 2-4D kill the weeds you see in the pics?

Looks like your trying to kill ragweed, 2-4D should work for you. Hard to tell from the pic but I would say it's switch, coming up here in Aug. you should really be able to tell how much you have because it will start heading out with seeds.
That looks like foxtail
When my switch came up the first year it didn't seed out. I had lots of foxtail show up in mine as well. Not much I could really do about it. If it's foxtail it will start getting the seed heads that make it more identifiable. However the foxtail didn't seem to really hurt the switch the following year and the switch came on strong to an average height of 4' or so for me. My experience with switch says controlling the broadleaves is far more important. The young switch simply needs the light and moisture to survive at this point.