Newer Tractor advice


5 year old buck +
I’d like to get the board’s advice on a newer tractor for our property.
Right now we own a 1985 JD 2155 51hp diesel. It has served us just fine for probably 20 years.
I’d like keep in the 50-75 hp range but maybe with a cab.
What I really want to know is what would be a good cutoff year to stay away from electronics, new fuel regulations & DEF.
I’d like to get the board’s advice on a newer tractor for our property.
Right now we own a 1985 JD 2155 51hp diesel. It has served us just fine for probably 20 years.
I’d like keep in the 50-75 hp range but maybe with a cab.
What I really want to know is what would be a good cutoff year to stay away from electronics, new fuel regulations & DEF.

Looks like you and I will be bidding against each other on some auction site soon…

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Probably have to be a couple years old to get away from DEF but can depend on HP.
Probably have to be a couple years old to get away from DEF but can depend on HP.
Can a guy get the diesel tractors deleted like they do with diesel trucks? I deleted my truck and absolutely love it.
IIRC, the new emissions reqs on tractors over 25HP started in 2012. That doesn't mean they all have DEF though, some just go into regen cycles. My 38 HP tractor must be at 60ish hrs on it now and I've never noticed a regen cycle? Maybe I run it at high enough RPMs that it doesn't need it as much?
My six yr old 65hp JD does not use DEF. it does go through the regen cycle
I've got a Kubota L 3560 (38 HP) and rather than DEF it goes thru a Regen cycle. Been a non-event to me. I suppose it has re-gened about 6 times.

Never any smoke or diesel smell.
The new JD 5-E series does not use DEF nor does it require a regen cycle. The premium cabs are pretty nice, and there are some good deals out there on the size (50-75 hp). I have a newer open station 5 series and it’s a great size for most every task needed.
The new JD 5-E series does not use DEF nor does it require a regen cycle. The premium cabs are pretty nice, and there are some good deals out there on the size (50-75 hp). I have a newer open station 5 series and it’s a great size for most every task needed.
This is interesting. I would love to get away from regen. What system does it use to meet the teir4 rules?
This is interesting. I would love to get away from regen. What system does it use to meet the teir4 rules?
Good question…I believe their website goes into detail on the new system. When I picked mine up, the new models were on the floor and I picked up a brochure that went into some degree of detail on the new system. While I don’t use DEF on mine, it will regen one of these days. So far I don’t have enough hours to have gone through a cycle.
I'm a heavy equipment operator. When the tier 4 motors came out the first ones had only the regen. We had nothing but trouble with them . They were a nightmare. Some of them you had to stop operating them, park, put them in idle, and let it regen. It would take anywhere from 5 minutes to over a hour. Not very productive. Some machines would regen once a day others would require it once a hour. The exhaust filters can also go out and they are pricey.The new machines with Def seem to be much better. They don't require you to stop. The Def can be a little bit of a pain to put in. The problems we have has been with the actual def fluid. You really have to make sure it is clean. Don't use a dirty funnel. We have had Def break down where there has been to much water in it. Not to big of a deal, just had to drain the tank. I can tell you one thing with the Def, they run clean. It is really nice you can park it in your garage and not have a black ceiling, smell of diesel, or eyes burning. I have heard that John deere has already has a dozer out that doesn't require Def anymore.
On my Kubota MX5800, I believe a 2019, the regen is pretty easy to deal with. When it is time to recycle, I just put the tractor in high rpm and in about 10 minutes the regen is complete. I can keep working with the tractor.
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What does the regen do exactly?

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What does the regen do exactly?

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The way I understand it. The engine revs up and heats up the exhaust filter( dpf) super hot. This burns up the soot that's in there making it run cleaner. I had the diesel particulate filter go out on my dozer with about 3500hr it was $3400 to replace it.
One thing about these newer diesel that they do not smoke, nor smell of diesel exhaust. Almost amazing air quality from the exhaust compared to the past.
I have a 5075M. I believe it is a 2022 model year. It does not use def and I have about 130 hours on it. I do not recall a regen.

The M has a slightly better hydraulic capacity than the E. It also uses a full frame vs the E that uses the engine as part of the frame.

At that time the E was made in India and the M was built in the US.

All of the above gets argued on All of this info is from 2021 when I was shopping and they may have changed the model designators. I’m not an expert. I do know that I felt like the upgrade from an e was easily worth the additional cash.

Must have is 3 outlets on the rear and a third loader outlet to run a grapple. Don’t do that later. Premium cab was an option I didn’t get and I regret that.
On my Kubota MX5800, I believe a 2019, the regen is pretty easy to deal with. When it is time to recycle, I just put the tractor in high rpm and in about 10 minutes the regen is complete. I can keep working with the tractor.
This is the same with mine. If I am already running at a higher rpm I don’t even have to change that. Just make sure it doesn’t drop out.
I think on my Kubota the only time you have to stop for a regen is if you have pushed the button it has to pause regen too many times.

I believe that button is there for times when your operating maybe in a barn or need to be low rpm. Eventually it forces you though.

Still I don’t love the idea of forcing that high of temps and artificially high rpm.
Just don’t buy any of this new junk buy a low hour 2011 or older in whatever color tractor you like. I would stay away from the junk cheap imports because parts are a pain to find. My Dr buddy had a Kubota he traded in on a Mahindra he managed to punch a hole in the radiator and it was a 6month wait on a new one and this was a new machine good luck getting parts on any older stuff.
The Regen operation is no big deal anymore. I do not give it much of a thought now. Just operate the tractor and smile. I got my tractor (Kubota L3560HSTC) in the shop now.....and having them do the 400 hour service. New filters and oils all around. This will cost me more.....but I like that they will check it all over for anything I may have missed. So far......been bullet proof.