New World Record

I cant wait for the Hanson buck to get dethroned so we can have an OPPORTUNITY at knowing if the Rompola buck is legit. I personally believe it is.
I cant wait for the Hanson buck to get dethroned so we can have an OPPORTUNITY at knowing if the Rompola buck is legit. I personally believe it is.

Okay, I will be the fish of the day and bite :). Why?

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Because I believe it to be the rightful world record.
Because I believe it to be the rightful world record.

I understand, and I just refreshed my recollection of the evidence for and against or at least as much as I could find in 10-15 minutes. Why do you believe it is.

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And, I have no opinion for or against the thing. It was fun to be reminded of it because I remember being at the ATA Trade Show the year after it surfaced and I remember the buzz.

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I guess I just never heard any reason why it shouldn't be. I believe some day the record will fall and the Rompola rack will get x-rayed to proove its legit.
Okay, do you have any thoughts on the drooping ears, the difference in color in the photos, or the fact that the right and left racks appear to be exact mirror opposites of each other, or that he refused to allow it to be x-rayed, and was willing to walk away in what would some say shame at the time as opposed to laying the cards on the table and getting it examined further. Don’t get upset I can ask about evidence in favor in a few.

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He was more than likely never going to have it entered anyway. Drooping ears aren't unheard of (he shot another buck with drooping ears) The photos arent that great so the color might just be off in the pics- There are a lot of typical racks out there without much difference. Hanson got a lawyer involved and I think it turned Mitch off plus I dont think he wanted the publicity. He had a track record of killing trophy bucks. I'd like to know about how many trophies he shot since that nobody knows anything about.

I guess I don't remember Rompola refusing the x ray. Even If the hanson buck get out scored I think we'll have to wait for Rompola to die before the rack will be x-rayed.
Strongest case in favor of Rompola is the fact there were several credible eye witnesses who claim they saw the dead carcass and examined the rack. Other than that, every other part of it spells hoax.

Didnt his rival Craig Calderone offer up the 20K to have it x-rayed? My memory has gotten a little foggy on it.

I guess I don't remember Rompola refusing the x ray. Even If the hanson buck get out scored I think we'll have to wait for Rompola to die before the rack will be x-rayed.[/QUOTE]

That part is spot on most likely. And, I will go a step further. If it is real it will be x-rayed when he dies. If it is not real, he might dispose of it before his death or give instructions to not x-ray and destroy in his will. Either way there will be more definitive evidence.

Okay, as promised. The facts that seem to support it the most are that four unrelated persons examined the deer before it was skinned and processed and said it seemed real to them. One was a conservation officer and that seems very compelling unless that information is inaccurate. But, that officers name is easy to find on line and if he did not see it I suspect he would have said “wait that isn’t correct”.

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I guess I just never heard any reason why it shouldn't be. I believe some day the record will fall and the Rompola rack will get x-rayed to proove its legit.

Why didn’t he X-ray it right away? I don’t remember the details, why was it not considered the record??
Why didn’t he X-ray it right away? I don’t remember the details, why was it not considered the record??

He wouldn't let it be X-rayed or looked at or scored by B&C scorers.
The area it was killed in wasn't really known for exceptional big deer except the ones he was getting (I think he has a few records), and there was some sketchy stuff about his family having a HF deer farm somewhere with a lot of big bucks on it. The whole thing was very secretive all along without a lot of details, it got weird when Milo Hanson got a lawyer involved threatening a lawsuit for him to put up or shut up....Rompola shut up.
He basically folded. Chose not to pursue it. I would disagree with the part about him not wanting the publicity. He really enjoyed being in the limelight for many years. He did interviews and articles, had sponsorships and endorsements, entered many deer in the "books", was an official scorer (although he had already been released by the big clubs, I think he even predicted he would shoot a world record typical several years before he actually shot the deer in question. He did all his own taxidermy, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it might. He also had a criminal record. I don't remember if he had multiple cases, but I do recall the one where he was guilty of taping a camera onto his shoe and standing underneath a woman's skirt. I think he was a felon as of 1980. He was really proud of 1 or 2 state records he apparently already had, so why wouldn't he be proud of a world record? Just seems like too much, for me anyway.
That's right H2O. Grand Traverse Co. He ran his own website for a number of years after his 216" typical came about, and a lot of the buck kill pics are still floating around. Weird how they have the same freakishly wide racks and floppy ears.
To me the ONLY part about it that is a bit to much is the spread

I still believe it’s legit fwiw

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The spread is believable based on other record book bucks. 30" inside isn't unheard of. It's more the way the spread comes straight out. I have seen pics of 1 or 2 other booners that have a similar appearance.
That “straight out” type spread is actually somewhat common my area

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Any more info on the statement that a conservation officer saw the deer after it was killed and before it was processed. I have no idea whether that is true or not.

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Any more info on the statement that a conservation officer saw the deer after it was killed and before it was processed. I have no idea whether that is true or not.

There was a video on youtube produced by deer and deer hunting that said that. They actually did a different interview with him 3 years before he shot the big buck were talking about. Another reason to maybe believe its real.

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I read something about 6 months ago on another forum. Huge debate over this. I think I recall that the original rack may have been destroyed in a fire.